Police Suggestion Beanbag guns

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PD Holding Cell
Suggestion Title: Beanbag guns
Suggestion Description: Add another nonlethal category or to equipment a shotgun found in the trunk of senior officers or higher. A less lethal shotgun good for long range that stuns people and after many shots it gets them unconscious. Also if you are gunpointed with this weapon, rule 3.4 does NOT apply as beanbag is not considered an actual weapon.
Also, should always be put back in the trunk and not used against suspects that are running away. More like suspects equipped with a low range that knocks the weapon out their hand after 2 hits

Why should this be added?:
- another long range and non lethal weapon
- more effective "tasers"
- another way to disarm people with melee

What negatives could this have?:
- possible abuse (if they are only for senior higher there might be none)
- could replace to role of the taser

Useful Images: https://www.chicagotribune.com/resi...aws.com/public/ARYIXYTJWNF47OD7DDRS7HO2KY.jpg
I don't think this would happen, but here's what I would do different.

Add another nonlethal category or to equipment a shotgun found in the trunk of senior officers or higher.
I'd change this to reflect the current policy to the corporals remington, carryable at all times. Having it only/necessary to retrieve out the trunk makes it really weak, and I feel like it would never be used.

lethal shotgun good for long range that stuns people and after many shots it gets them unconscious.
I wouldn't make this weapon powerful enough to make people unconscious unless it was shot POINT BLANK, TO THE HEAD. Which, on the plus, kind of seems to go with your idea of how it would be used. I feel like if you do somehow manage to knock someone with it, it would be a breach of UoF.

Also if you are gunpointed with this weapon, rule 3.4 does NOT apply as beanbag is not considered an actual weapon.
Agreed here, +1.

not used against suspects that are running away
I was wondering as to why you wouldn't want this, if its to stun it seems like it'd be the perfect tool considering the range, but I realize it's kinda OP considering we got a Taser, and Nightstick. Agree with you here also.

More like suspects equipped with a low range that knocks the weapon out their hand after 2 hits
I hate to be the "AcKCHyUAlLY" guy, but If they got a weapon and they are about to kill someone, UoF policy is clear - just shoot them.

All that aside, here's what I'd implement:
- Instead of knocking the suspect you hit with it, apply 'drunken' effect of blurry vision/can't walk straight for two or three seconds, and slowness for only one, one and a half seconds.
- Have this become a part of 'Taser training', i.e, same application process. It'd be nice if it came with a practical, but those seem to have been phased out. Though, no reason the questions related to it's policy can't be included. Con, it'd probably have to be renamed to "Non-Lethal Certification" or something similar.
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I hate to be the "AcKCHyUAlLY" guy, but If they got a weapon and they are about to kill someone, UoF policy is clear - just shoot them.
I ment if they are like holding a melee and no one is near them. Obviously if they wre attacking someone UoF says shoot him as he is an active threat to life. If they have just for example a knife and they start running towords you and you already have it equipt and drawn you can knock it out of their hands. And another officer can then taser them if necessary.
I ment if they are like holding a melee and no one is near them. Obviously if they wre attacking someone UoF says shoot him as he is an active threat to life. If they have just for example a knife and they start running towords you and you already have it equipt and drawn you can knock it out of their hands. And another officer can then taser them if necessary.
Okay, it'd have its uses in melee confrontations, but that's about the only common scenario I could think. Although, I could also imagine it comes in handy in crowd disbursement! Only other tool for that I can imagine is the flashbang, and I don't think TFU would appreciate that. Not mentioned in the handbook, so maybe? I'm not TFU, though.
I can see how it could work, but only SOs who would get it are TFU
Beanbag should not be relevant to if you are tfu or not
I already heard of cops getting something similar (not in the near future) and the main idea was for TFUs to do/attempt raids without killing. I mentioned SOs and TFU as no normal SO should be getting a mingegun 3000.

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