Bella Winchester

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Your Steam/In-game Name: |AFF|PH| Chris/Chris Andrews
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ??/Bella Winchester
His/Her SteamID: ??
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Due to boarded up windows, we repeatedly asked for access to the trailer that she owned. Someone inside eventually let us in to see nothing was there, yet when we were all leaving, she effectively cop-baited us by standing behind our car saying nothing. I tried to get her out of the way, and when she continued to refuse I nightsticked her where she then assaulted me. After about 10-20 seconds, I go to find her so I could restrain her and ticket her for assaulting me, and she then decides to run off into the bushes and shoot me - over what could have been either a small sentence or a ticket. There was another officer of whom would have heard the shots, so ultimately I believe she broke 2.1 by seemingly baiting, then shooting me over what would have been a conviction of a small offense, and 3.4 because there was another officer who could have paniced for me (as I did when I hid behind the car) and my life alert would have went off.

Evidence (Demo Required):!LEkD1YRR!jWxmOC2FgVrNXANu9tG0KTeD4ipPtwwz6gElmB2Rm_w


It's obvious that Bella was simply baiting the officers when refusing to move so that they could move on, which breaks 2.1. Then she assaulted the officer, after he used his nightstick (which was totally fine, by the way), which would break 3.4 as she'd now receive a ticket/risk jail time.
And when she finally began to shoot the officer over the ticket/possible arrest, she made it even worse. An officer was nearby, and Chris had already used panic. What could've been a $1000 ticket or 2 years in jail, became 10 years in jail for murdering an officer. This clearly breaks 3.4
+Support on this ban request, she was baiting cops. I also want Leone banned/warned too because he used a fire extinguisher as a weapon.
+Support on this ban request, she was baiting cops. I also want Leone banned/warned too because he used a fire extinguisher as a weapon.

You could use a fire extinguisher as a weapon. However, he did run into the lake and I think he died as a result so I will review the demo and make a 3.4 br if nessecary.
Rules Broken:

It's clear to see that Bella broke 3.4 and 2.1 by baiting the police for no apparent reason, after having her property searched she decided to stand behind the police cruiser and failed to move several times. As rule 3.4 states if any actions lead onto you being put into jail or your players death, you have failed to follow Rule 3.4. As this user has broke rules 3.4 and 2.1 and other major rules the user will be
Permanently Banned from the server after having 11 warning and 8 bans.

This rule is specifically relevant to the violation of any In-Character law, meaning that murders, thefts, etc, are all expected to be conducted realistically; for example, if a player kills another player, which results in the former’s death and/or imprisonment, it will mean that the player has failed and unless they can effectively and appropriately demonstrate/prove that they had a realistic and reasonable plan to succeed, an appropriate punishment will be enacted.
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