best energy drink


Preferably something with no sugar so I'd rather pick Lewis Hamilton>Doctor if I had to choose a favorite. I only really drink if I have to work double shifts or if I really need to stay awake without needing to take a nap (I'm a old man)
Haven't really enjoyed most energy drinks in the last few years. When I was in my teens, one of my favorites was a brand from EAS known as Piranha.

Might just be me personally, but energy drinks and shots just don't really cut it anymore. I prefer the gas station pill variety like AddAll ER and sometimes going the old school route of using Benzedrex w/ lemon juice.
Def an American thing when you look at all those flavors I feel. Shits straight gas. C4 starbust/skittles, fruitpunch, orange creamsicle flavors are also fire
Your post made me spend £50 on crates of ghost from a reseller

C4 I haven’t acc tried but meant to be good
When I was doing music in college this was basically 30% of my bloodstream (alongside the other 40% of chemical compositions my lawyer had instructed me not to mention)