Big Police Barricades take time to put down

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Description of the idea: Make it so it takes atleast 10 (or more) seconds to put down a big barricade to cover the road as they're incredibly resilient and when knocked over (much more likely than pushed to the side due to design), it's incredibly hard to go over and not get stuck.

Why should this be added? (pros): Balancing, no getting out and putting them down immediately cordoning off the area like a fortress.

What negatives could this have? (cons): None, they're too strong.
I dont understand why this has so many downvotes, this wouldn't change their legitimate usage by any means. All this does is make it harder for them to be spawned in situations that don't call for it.
I dont understand why this has so many downvotes, this wouldn't change their legitimate usage by any means. All this does is make it harder for them to be spawned in situations that don't call for it.
I know what you mean, but see it from the other perspective, 10 secs is quite a long time to stand in the middle of the road to set up the barrier. during this 10 secs it can ruin roleplay by for example getting run over, or even killed during perimiters with shootouts, if it was like 3 - 5 secs it would still have the same issue, but its a bit better

what i think its better is that the heavy barriers gets spawned in the trunk of the vehicle instead of having 10 secs to get it out. and to prevent people from equipping it at the start of a patrol, it would force you to walk slower/not able to run (like being crippled) as the barriers are kind of heavy, and it wouldnt let you equip anything else than the barrier. so basically when you get it out of the trunk, it equips and wont let you switch weapons untill you place it
hmm I wonder why this suggestion that would have a very minor negative effect ( that would add realism and balance ) on the pd has so many downvotes o_Oo_O
I know what you mean, but see it from the other perspective, 10 secs is quite a long time to stand in the middle of the road to set up the barrier. during this 10 secs it can ruin roleplay by for example getting run over, or even killed during perimiters with shootouts, if it was like 3 - 5 secs it would still have the same issue, but its a bit better

what i think its better is that the heavy barriers gets spawned in the trunk of the vehicle instead of having 10 secs to get it out. and to prevent people from equipping it at the start of a patrol, it would force you to walk slower/not able to run (like being crippled) as the barriers are kind of heavy, and it wouldnt let you equip anything else than the barrier. so basically when you get it out of the trunk, it equips and wont let you switch weapons untill you place it

These barricades are literally walls, if you want to stop persuits or create fast perimeters just use the other barricade and then put down the big ones when you can. You shouldn't be able to create an instant wall on demand, it is not really balanced.
I assume majority of downvotes are simply because they think 10 seconds is too long (correct me if i'm wrong of course.) Personally I think 10 secs is maybe slightly too long maybe like 7-8 seconds would be more realistic and aid those setting up perimeters around shootouts. I think the idea as a whole though is very smart, maybe even making the prop slightly less solid as well as others have mentioned would make it more fair and balanced.
I've increased the time between barricade spawning, but 10 seconds is ridiculous considering normal props can be spawned every two seconds, and some items can be spawned even faster.

It's fairly simple to change the spawn time and how "strong" the each individual barricades, so I'm open to suggestions for that. However I would need to be shown some examples of where they are genuinely causing issues. So far I've only witnessed cars getting stuck because they're trying to ram into a shoot out to kill police, which doesn't earn much sympathy from me. However if they are being used inappropriately in police chases, I'd be keen to investigate methods to prevent this.
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