Body Armour

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Topic: Body Armour for civilians

Short explanation (in notes):
- Craftable body armour for people to wear
- Only make the Body armour so strong maybe like Moderately armoured as we can't have a bunch of guys running around raiding with the same armour as SWAT
- Make the Armour a high firearm level to craft like 80-90 and it costs like 6-7k to make

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
Body Armour would be a good addition and help every so slightly with raiding in general, It will only be so strong so not everyone is OP like SWAT. Make it Moderately armoured which is the same as police officers i believe. Make it so that only people with high levels of firearms can craft them and make it like 6k+ to craft that will stop everyone buying it as it only offers little protection for the money. Some people might like the idea of paying 6k to get the edge in a gunfight

Optional additions:
- Maybe have different levels of armour available to craft like Slightly Armoured etc.
- Body armour should not be illegal
- More body armour has to be bought in order to get back up to moderately armour after being shot
- Body armour would stop bleeding if hit in the chest until it is depleted
- Maybe make it equipable and then you can un equip it after use

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