Body Armour

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Topic: Body Armour

Short explanation (in notes):
- So you can see when people have body armour on

Detailed description (why should it become added/...): I think it should be added because it adds more realism to the server. It also makes it so different types of armour strengths look different.

Optional additions:
- Make it so they can be crafted for players to use
- Different Models
You can already see body armor on officers and S.W.A.T officers, SS just has a light one under the clothes so you cannot see it and does not reveal them.

As for craftable armor:already suggested, already Denied.

This isn't call of duty, go home.. you're drunk.
  • On a more serious note, I feel this would severely give players a huge boost in being able to destroy the police within gunfights which sometimes already happens. Police have armor for a reason and that reason is so they have slightly more power than normal users as they are there to enforce the law; it's the same reason they run slightly faster than normal civs.

    Bulletproof vests could work, but again the same thing would happen; it would give users too much power and a lot of the time make them too powerful to kill.. which isn't what PERP is about.
SWAT got kevlar,
criminals got props. If criminals got kevlar it would be overpowered for criminals
This Gives normal players a huge increase of surviving, how about if they had armor, machine guns, 20 people in a base and there's 5 cops playing with no chance of beating them.

The point of S.W.A.T. is to have a huge advantage over criminals, that is why there are so little slots and they are only used for callouts in big situations. They are given armror, due to them being the special weapon of the force.
Police officers are given armor because they are restricted to sidearms and have armor for a slight advantage over taking out people; just like real life.
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Yeah great idea! Make the criminals more op so the cops don't have any chances against them anymore. + Support*

*I hope you all know that this is sarcasm, just making sure.
Basically all current body armour can be seen as much as it normally would. Secret Service has a small one underneath their clothes, while SWAT has massive kevlar, which is clearly visible.
Craftable armour has been suggested 500000 times and denied each time.

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