Bored as hell how do I make an app.

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Honestly a load of you whizz kids know how it build an app or do even more on how to create stuff in the internet, I'm planning on creating an app for the simple fact of is that when I was doing my theory some of the apps didn't help much and I'd like to make my own question application with a load of topics and questions, can anyone link me a website or a guide on how to do this? Ideally where I don't spend 100 hours on a thing which don't work.

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Get Visual studio community, get xamarin and start developing with c# :D

There are so so many tutorials, i recommend sticking to a series and following that

You can also do websites with C# pretty much with ASP.NET

xamarin is build on c# they support 3 platforms like java, so you can do IOS and Android at the same time

i HIGHLY recommend following this guys' series. its the way i learned c# it litteraly covers everything you know

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United Kingdom
I was completely self-taught for my first 4-5 years of coding. I've never completed a singe programming tutorial. It can be tough to get going, but all you need to learn it is perseverance, creativity and curiosity.

My suggestion is you just stick to something fairly straight forward for now. Here are some tips based on my experience.
  1. Don't start with iOS, it is not friendly for beginners.
  2. Think of one idea and learn how to build each stage of it, one step at a time.
  3. Don't follow tutorials, they won't help you learn. Use them as inspiration for your idea.
  4. There's plenty of resources to get you started.
  5. Download android studio and the emulator, to have a play with things on your computer. Don't use xamarin or any of that rubbish, it won't help you learn.
  6. If you have an error, just google it and look for a stack overflow (or similar) topic. When you're starting out, millions of people will have made the same mistakes that you will.
  7. Learn how to make it work for now, learn best practice once you've got your teeth into it.
  8. You will get stuck, keep trying, delete bits of code, start again.
  9. You only really learn how to program by fixing your mistakes.
Good luck!