BR on Alex [Garrett Woodfield]

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Venomine [Lamar Carter]
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Garrett Woodfield [Garrett Woodfield]
His/Her SteamID: Unknown
Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player should be punished for breaking rule 2.1 by running and using the radio and panic button while being in handcuffs what massively changed the RP situation by ending me and Luke gunpointing him. He also broke law 4.1 by driving reckless as a medic. Garret Woodfield spammed into the radio and interrupted Luke when he was about to say something important. After a 5 minutes, almost every Officer asked for a 10-3[Radio Silence], because you didn't listen to us by being quiet and keep the radio clear. When we cuffed you, you started to panic and scream and you activated the panic button for about 7 times and told SWAT and Officers to help you while you were cuffed. I removed your panic and your radio as punishment for abusing it. I was following orders to keep you still until Luke arrives with his vehicle to pick you up. Garrett Woodfield then decided to run off while and handcuffs, therefor you broke law 8.8 by not cooperating with us and rule 4.1. On the way to jails you didn't listen to Luke by not reviving someone, you still tried to revive the suspect and after we arrived at jails you started to scream at Luke Person.
Evidence (Demo Required):!GQAR0LjS!A11F5mutJ3upesWcsDS0zqFmjQuHsZzn2S_YIglV488 [Its Alex one, but you can still see how he broke rules]
Tick: It should be around 20k. Same as Alex one.
I've seen Alex' demo and i will +Support this because Alex clearly used Panic and Radio while in handcuffs.
+support, I did see him spam as medic in radio, also broken 9.10 law as medic. Which is breaking 4.1.
Posting a video Soon.
[DOUBLEPOST=1432055462,1432054482][/DOUBLEPOST]+Support Clearly Tried to run as he was being arrested. Failure to cooperate with a police officer. Since batons and cuffs don't work on medics, I believe a gunpoint was enough reason to stop him. he also attempted to escape a second time.
Here we go
8.6 He meant misuse of the panic and the radio. Which will come under this, Since he uses valuable resources of the police force and stops any communications to other officers in need.
[DOUBLEPOST=1432058063,1432056197][/DOUBLEPOST]@Panda Excessive? What luke done was fine. Luke should not have to tell him to stop misusing the radio. He Is men't to role play as a fully trained, professional goverment employee. not the opposite.
[DOUBLEPOST=1432058930][/DOUBLEPOST]@Garrett Woodfield You ran the first time without being gun pointed. Was that saving your own life as well? I doubt it.
[DOUBLEPOST=1432059071][/DOUBLEPOST]@Garrett Woodfield But you did break laws. And you broke more by running off, refusing to cooperate with the police officer. If a man is guilty. He wouldn't run. He would explain himself. He would appeal it.
[DOUBLEPOST=1432059694][/DOUBLEPOST]@Garrett Woodfield Miss use of government facilities is a crime. Especially if you stopped important life and death information being shared.
[DOUBLEPOST=1432060254][/DOUBLEPOST]@Panda Luke would not arrest you if you were innocent. In the video there is clear evidence that he was in the right. And you tried to run. Further worsening the situation. And don't give me that. Because he arrested me as an officer before. And I apologised and kept my job.

Well, wow. Never seen something like this, ever. So I think that the medic had interrupted higher police ranks and had interrupted information about emergency calls. I think he should be punished as he risked people from dying or something happening (No communication)

Thanks for reading, and im sorry Garett.
Alex will be warned for using his panic button while in "handcuffs". Also he will be warned for running away without a real chance of escaping.
Rule 3.19:
When Players are evading arrest, they must not do so unrealistically, for example if multiple police officers
are chasing you on foot and you have no realistic chance of escape you should give up unless it would drastically affect the
chances for your character to live a normal life.
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