Luke Person & Venomine ban request

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Garrett Woodfield

Your Steam/In-game Name: Alex/ Garrett Woodfield
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Luke / Luke Person, Venomine / Lamar Carter
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:7218412
Why Should This Player Be Punished: I was a paramedic and said over radio something that was apparently misuse of radio, Luke Person then gunpointed me at bazaar and arrested me for "misuse of goverment equipment" i feel that the user should be either banned/warned for his actions, it was NOT appropiate to use his firearm against a harmless paramedic for misuse of radio. I feel that the user has misused his firearm and shouldn't receive a ban.
Evidence (Demo Required):!GQAR0LjS!A11F5mutJ3upesWcsDS0zqFmjQuHsZzn2S_YIglV488
Tick: Around 20k before end.
Ffs Iam Lamar Carter not Lamar Clark! Jesus
[DOUBLEPOST=1431981652,1431980117][/DOUBLEPOST]Allright as you fixed the Clark to Carter Iam ready to respond to this. You don't know why you got demoted and arrested? You kept spamming into the radio and every officer asked for a 10-3 [radio silence] and you also kept interupting Luke if he was about to say something important. You abused the panic button and the radio. Btw. How were you able to panic and speak into the radio while handcuffed? Are you Marc the Wizzard or how did you manage to do that. Well to put it in a nutshell your actions were unrealistic and not funny. Luke had all rights to demote you and arrest you.
-Lamar ->Carter<-

I was a S.W.A.T at the time and the police officers have him plenty of warning and was spamming his panic also when under gunpoint I believe.

I was a S.W.A.T at the time and the police officers have him plenty of warning and was spamming his panic also when under gunpoint I believe.
On phone cant comment and shit i werent at gunpoint i had not realised the /me handcuff but no matter what talking unnecessary into radio im sure that i wouldnt get gunpointed. When i was demoted i ran to get my car and i was gonna be police but it asked if i wanted to turn myself in and was like what the fuck, i got warranted for misuse of radio, my house was also raided for misuse of radio i find it extremely fucked up. 3 swat 2 officers later gunpointed me at bazaar for being warranted for misuse of radio oh and swat expect a ban request aswell for random house raid aswell as breaking law 11.11 i was not a dger nor armed.
Alright after watching the demo i have decided that you all more or less broke the rules.

Luke and Lamar CLEARLY broke law 11.11. The Medic never attempted to run anyone over. So this is clear breakage of law 11.11 and rule 4.1. This should be punished. Especially because they were Sergeants and should know better. This could also go in under 3.3 wich is "Unrealistic Actions" since it is not realistic to GP an unarmed medic.

Alex however. You resisted arrest and did not cooperate with law enforcement. They gunpointed you cause they thought you were gonna escape though it is still not a valid reason. But you broke law 8.8 and therefore also 4.1 in a smaller degree though. You also used your panic in cuffs wich is misuse of gov. equipment AND breakage of 3.26. Though a demotion is too harsh i believe.

In my opinion:
Alex should be given a warning
Luke should get Demoted and banned (Not permanently)
Lamar should be given a warning too. (Edited after re-considering)

Im gonna +Support this because the demo provides clear evidence that Lamar and Luke broke law 11.11 and therefore rule 4.1
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Missuese of a radio and supposidly panics (have not seen the video) is a good enough reason. 11.11 states you must not use your fire arm unless your life is at risk. It does not say anything about gunpoint aka: displaying your weapon ((sorry for the bad spelling. On my phone))
And to add something we didn't gunpoint you when you cooperated, you started to run off and shit. And orders were "if he tries to resist or if he runs off gunpoint him". And how are you able to run off while in handcuffs you totally ignored that and broke up the whole RP situation. Thanks for that.
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@[PH]R4ndomDude there is a reason why I did not support. I am just stating that him breaking 11.11 is invalid. I said nothing about him breaking or not breaking rules or laws. I am just simply stating 11.11 requires and officer to acualy fire said weapon. You are just making assumptions
[DOUBLEPOST=1432036715,1432036248][/DOUBLEPOST]Pointing a gun at the medic would be unrealistic actions. It would be 11.11 if he fired at the medic. I dont need to watch the demo if the description said he was gun pointed. Not fired at
[DOUBLEPOST=1432036761][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyways gotta go back to work. Being lazy :p. Will watch and post a YouTube video for others in a bit. Around 5pm
[DOUBLEPOST=1432043167][/DOUBLEPOST]@[PH]R4ndomDude what are you talking about? No a ticket is given with ought need of any force at all. If they refuse the ticket you then handcuff em. Of they run you use a Barton. If they start to endanger there own life or yours then you gunpoint them. What I am saying is and please listen carefully, its not 11.11 . that's use of a firearm. He displayed his firearm. Not using it. And given the situations that its a government employees that has broken laws and suppsoidly resisted then I feel like that's enough reason . since game machanics won't allow batons or handcuffs on government employees
[DOUBLEPOST=1432052935][/DOUBLEPOST]Im home. Working on a youtube Video now. Will also state my own opinion when I send it.
[DOUBLEPOST=1432052979][/DOUBLEPOST]@Garrett Woodfield Do I have your permission to make a youtube video of the Demo?
Please make YouTube video (if you want) so I can see what's going on, OR someone else make it, the amount of friendly ratings you'd get would be through the roof.
Vid Is ready in 11 minutes
[DOUBLEPOST=1432056129][/DOUBLEPOST]-Support You Did not follow the law as a goverment employe, attempted to escape from them twice. also not playing in a realistic manner by defibulating police officers for some random reason.


8.6 (I think. Don't hold me on it)

2.1 (Defining officers. that will kill or render them uncontious)
2.5 (screaming over the mic. using panic and defining Causing the whole government players to suffer on there rp for it.)

Luke Person and Lamar had enough reasons to demote you and arrest you.
They did indeed use their firearms, but I do not feel that a warnings or ban is needed here. I think that due to you not cooperating with Luke and Lamar gave them enough reason to pull out their guns since they had no other way stopping you.
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