BR on Luke Person suggested by Niko

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You got gunpointed by 1 SWAT 4 Officers + LT & SGT, they told you to face the car and to get "onion knees" why didn't you just comply and face your car while being on your knees? Why did you first start to spam off LOOC. To be honest, that pissed me off abit.
+Support, he had no reason to shoot you, you had the gun on your back. The reason that
he shot you was probably cause he just wanted you to loose the m24... Just because you stood up was no reason to shoot you, + luke was the one telling you to face car...
+Support I honestly do not see what the fuzz is about, there is simply no justification for doing this. The suspect was completely compliant after the car crashed, and acted within the rules. What I however do not understand is how a gun on someone's back can make someone think it's okay to shoot someone for that. If you were to walk around with a gun on your back in real life, I'd highly doubt you'll instantly be filled with flying led, however you may expect to be gun pointed and ordered to drop the weapon.

You Ban Request in now under review, thank you for submitting it. All testimonies and staff opinions will be taken into account.


Due to the opinions getting out of control this thread will be locked until a verdict has been set and prosecuted. Thank you for your compliance.

@Luke will be banned for breaking 4.1 by disobeying law 11.11 as he used his firearm against a citizen when noones life was in any imminent or direct danger. He will alsohave to face consequences for shooting and killing a citizen for "disobeing direct order" as you can see in the video, the suspect used the LOOC chat to write "wtf is going on?" so he automatically stood up. You will also be demoted from your position of a police supervisior and be locked until the next application round will begin.
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