Broken Heart

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Broken Heart,
Story by Brikaas

You might have heard of my boyfriend or you heard me flying by and mentioning him.

I made a decision towards our relationship that left me with a Broken Heart.

His name is Tim and I have had a relationship with him for over 2 years and it recently came to a stop.

I have loved this boy for every minute and second, but I havnt been the most faithful boyfriend, talking to other dudes and even sharing nudes with those others. Reason for that is is cause I simply didnt feel anything for Tim anymore.

It was a complicated relationship, but it was also an agressive one. I recieved multiple punches if Tim got mad and most of them had no reason behind them. And he has a lovely dad, being sarcastic ofcourse!

His father didnt like me, to my feeling and he tried to sabotage our relationship (thats how I felt about it) he kept making smart-ass comments.

Overall, I was done all of it so I was working and I recieved a few comments and decided "Im done with it"

this leaves me with a Broken Heart

Thanks for reading, this story is true and happend today.
I hope you're okay Mr. Palvinsky. Remember i'm always an option ;) (THE SECOND PART IS NOT SERIOUS BTW)
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Damn, I'm just a little older than you but I can say there's definitely more people out there. Remember that's over 7 billion people in the world. There's always someone out there. You're still pretty young plenty of new people to meet. It's part of life, coming from someone who was about to get married trust me I get it. Life moves on for the better. Everything happens for a reason.
I can just watch this video over and over again, it never gets old
@Niko when we riding again, we have some chatting to do ;@
Ending that relationship sounds like a great decision, better to ditch em than end up a cuck.

Always here man!
Thanks everyone for the support so far!

I have been calm since the breakup but emotion came up when i went through my photo galary on my phone and I randomly started to burst into tear at a friends house and in the bus.

I do feel slightly lonely, waking up with an empty spot next to me and the warm hugs in the middle of the night.

But you know me, i simply put on some music and start singing along with no shits given to anyone I pass by.