Bruce West

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Chris Andrews
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bruce West
His/Her SteamID: Unknown
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
  • 2.1 - It is unrealistic to try and pick up a gun that is about to be confiscated, in front of the officer confiscating it, while said officer is also pointing a gun at the developing crowd.
  • 3.4 - He risked his life by collecting the firearm whilst my gun was pointed at him, it resulted in him being shot (and afaik imprisoned).
Evidence (Demo Required):

User clearly broke 2.1 and 3.4 -

2.1 because when would you ever see someone walk into a store while a officer has a gun pointed at him telling them to leave the area

3.4 because as Chris said he was risking his life by picking it up
After reviewing the evidence provided here's my opinion.

Rule 3.4: Putting Life/Freedom at risk:
The user (Bruce West) violated this rule because of him walking into the Bazzar shops while under gunpoint by the Lieutenant (Chris) who was warning them to get out or he would shoot.

Rule 2.1: Play Realistically:
The user (Bruce West) attempted to collect a gun that was being confescated by the PLPD (Chris) infront of a officer who is gunpointed them.

All in all it's +Support the user violated the rules and deserves a punishment for the actions taking theres no real need to go futher into my explanation for the +Support

Regards Appricey
Police Supervisor
Police Dispatcher
Bruce West is mid-ban. His ban period is 5 days and he was banned today.
Just for extra information.
His ban will be set to 1 week instead of the 5 days due to him clearly breaking 3.4 in the situation.

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