Building a new PC

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I have never build a PC, and probably have no idea how to, and thats why i posted this thread.
Anyways i'm not sure if all the chosen parts are any good. So if anyone has a tip or a suggestion, my eyes are open.

P.S: I'm making a cheap PC because i'm not going to play games 24/7 and belive it or not i have a life.
Doubt you need the I7 5820k just get a I5 4690K pretty sure its equivalent
And don't buy that graphics card get like a 970, my pc at the moment runs allot of games on ultra at 50FPS and it costs 700 quid so far so I just need my new 970
  • i7 is really just for video making, i5 is the best for gaming. Do not get i54690K, get i54690. K= is just for overclocking which I am sure you wouldn't want to do.
  • Second thing I recommend not getting an AMD gpu as I think it's just bullshit, not worth it. Get something like GTX 770 cheap yet powerful. I currently run BF4 at around 100 FPs on High. In Paralake I get 30FPS (a lot of players on), and outside I get 120-130.
  • You DO NOT need 16GB of ram. That's OVERKILL unless youre making videos. 8GB is enough, most games such as GTA IV use 4gb of ram. Seriously, it's a waste of money get 8gb of ram.
  • Also your motherboard needs to be compatible with the Cpu
Thanks everyone for the help. Now i'm only wondering which video card should i get. I want a PC only for gaming. But i dont want it to be shit. Like maybe 40 fps in battlefield 4
Wut about now? :
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Honestly, I've recently built this rig and am really enjoying my GTX 560. It runs all of my games at non-shit settings at a smooth FPS. As for a CPU, I have an i5 3570 and its worked wonders. Don't go overkill with anything, dude. Especially RAM. At most, get a PSU with a high wattage so you have a good capability to upgrade if you really want to. Just to reiterate a previous post, ensure that your Mobo has the proper socket for your CPU. E.G: An LGA 1155 socketed CPU would need a mobo compatible with that socket type.

I'd also like to suggest getting my current CPU as opposed to an i5 4690 if it works out cheaper but CPU prices are constantly changing so who knows? I'd check Amazon. Just for comparison:

No real difference.

Good luck, dude.