Burglary side mission

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Description of the idea:
Adding a burglary side mission to the drug dealer.

The burglary mission will work as such:
- The drug dealer gives you a property and a tool kit after you pay him 1K.
The toolkit will contain 2 bobby pins, a crowbar unique to the mission, wire cutters and a screwdriver.
- You go to a “marked“ property.
You will receive the property name and location via a text, as well as details. The property will be a randomly selected unowned home property.
- Upon breaking in, you will be given a time limit by text until the “Owner” comes home.
You must steal as many of the items inside before the “owner comes home”. When the “owner comes home” an automatic 911 will come through saying “Hello, theirs someone in my house!” prompting a police response.
- if you get out of there in time, you must return to the drug dealer with the stolen items, depending on what you stole, you will either receive payment in cash, or drugs.

Up to 4 users in 1 group may partake in a burglary mission. Most robberies with all the good loot will have shorter time limits.

If you fail the missions time constraint, police will be called, and the drug dealer will tell you it’s off, and to get rid of the stolen crap by dumping it in an alley or something.

Items that will be inside the burglary property:
- Television:
Must be removed from the wall mount either using a crowbar, or screwdriver. Using a crowbar is miles quicker, however will make a sound and will run the risk of breaking the TV. The TV will sell for 2K or 2Ks worth of a drug of your choice.
- Consoles:
Games consoles. The models for these could just be a default HL2 server box prop. These will sell for $750.
- jewellery box:
Will usually be locked in a safe however may also be found in drawers. These will sell for $2000.
- Safe (small lockbox)
The entire safe can be stolen and this will give a randomly generated sum of cash between $200 or $2k. Stealing the safe will take up most of your weight limit however. It must be unbolted from the floor using the toolkit, which takes up 30 seconds.
- safe (medium)
Cracking this safe is fairly quick but still time consuming (About 40 seconds)
- Safe (large)
A large safe which must be broken into using a toolkit. You can either drill the safe open (loud but quicker) or crack the safe. Cracking a large safe however will take up a large portion of time.
- Medicine cabinet:
Can contain Sudafed (useless and cannot be given to the NPC) painkillers (will fetch $50 at the NPC) or ephedrine (will fetch $500 a bottle at the NPC)
Items that can be found in safes:
Useful items:
Cash (up to 2k for smaller safes, 10k in large ones)
Jewellery boxes (worth up to 2.5k)
Fancy expensive jewellery (about 5K in value)
Diamond ring (10k in value)
Drugs (a brick of a random drug worth about 1k)
Useless items:
These items will fetch you no cash and in some cases, will deduct xp or payouts from the drug dealer.
- Family locket (useless as it’s traceable, bringing this to the DD will result in a pay cut of 10%)
- War medals (useless as they’re traceable, bringing these to the drug dealer will result in a 10% pay cut)
- Tracked laptop (will result in a 5% pay cut)
- Family photo album (will result in a 10% pay cut)

Why should this be added? (pros):
- mini game style mission for people who aren’t ready to do bank yet
- Realistic
- Fun

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- People could use it to start unnecessary shootouts
Up to 4 users in 1 group may partake in a burglary mission.
What if group size was dependant on the property you received? For example, one burglar for an apartment mission, but perhaps four for a Large Subs house?

- People could use it to start unnecessary shootouts
How so? By someone next-door saying "Oh yes they were robbing the neighbor" I presume...

Items that will be inside the burglary property:
I like the variety of the items inside, but I don't think the burglar would get 100% of the worth of each of the items... Maybe only a cut, due to the fencing cost, and a cut to the DD due giving you the mission and opportunity,

Regardless, its a +Support! I hope these sorts of contracts come soon! I heard something like contracts were supposed to come soon!
A TV isn’t worth 2K. A diamomd ring isn’t worth 10k at jennifers either.

All items will be given into the NPC afterwards, none of that can be transferred or kept.
As stated in earlier posts, a mission/quest system is being made and will include stuff like this.

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