Server Suggestion Business Application

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Suggestion Title: Business Application
Suggestion Description: Due to recent suggestion by a dev:

I was inspired to make this.

The idea is a new application process is opened on the PERPHEADS forums where a player can apply to have a lucrative business idea developed so that it can be run by players from the point of the founder controlling it and for the foresee-able future moving forward, this makes it so that the economy IS more player run whilst adding new interesting features or ways players can interact with each other to roleplay.

Businesses can be illegal or legal. Ideas that require new features being added to the game to properly allow the business to function would be reviewed by the developer team and then added if the community is happy with this addition.

These businesses can be great for money which is a possible great upside however they require activity monitoring. Players who wish to own businesses may apply to player-run more important parts of PERP or other parts. Therefore, they need to be around as much as possible or hire people into their business to be around when they aren't to constantly keep it up.

NPCS can replace workers if the business is crucial when no workers are on duty.

Why should this be added?:
- Opens a flood gate of possible roleplay
- Allows for player run economy
- Community and Developer reviewed before being added
- All sorts of new jobs

What negatives could this have?:
- Current AI-run businesses like Roadcrew can overshadow the possibility of a player-run mech shop but fortunately if a player gains enough reputation in the community and with the developer team they might be able to actually pull off a player-run mech shop with active employees, then NPCS replace them when no workers are on.
Wtf does this look like an IA generated suggestion lol.

What is your goal of these businesses?
How would these businesses function?
Will it be a monopoly business?
Why does this feel like darkrp custom jobs, but with extra steps? There's plenty of opportunity for players to make shops that sell stuff that the NPCs also sell, especially at bazaar. Arguing that people should be able to take over NPC shops and create a monopoly is only gonna lead to disaster I reckon.
I feel like this could lead to corrupted businesses and already there is opportunity to create businesses albeit only when youre online or if your org decides they wanna do that, i do understand your points thou but i just feel like its not needed in perp but it is a cool idea in a sense.

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