calling people "hackers"

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dont you think that "hacker" is a big word for someone who cheats in a video game?
Isn't the coder the actual hacker while the person using the code is a cheater?
its exactly like that, but people keep calling other people hackers just because they are using a cheat in a video game
I thought hacking is gaining unauthorized access by exploiting technical defenses, not using an aimbot :/
Normal cheats cost money. Y'all just too broke to buy it. rate dumb please.
I prefer the term script kiddy
Hacking requires skill and finese
All of these game "hackers" don't even code there own hacks
dont you think that "hacker" is a big word for someone who cheats in a video game?
You ask about people's opinion on wether hackers is the right term for people who get an unfair advantage in a game using 3rd party programs.
You get about 3 serious awnsers and people willing to debate @McYeke @John Daymon @Aquaa

and the rest of the awnsers you get is mostly just people that want to troll and are trying to be funny.

the actual state of the forums...
Technically hackers don't have to know programming. They usually use a cominbination of tools (even bigger hacker groups do it that way).

Hacking is usually in the form of exploiting a system bug or exploiting by finding a hole in the system. If you were to create a perfect security system hacking it would be impossible (theoretically possible, though physically not).

Anyways I suppose we started calling these since they exploit the way a game is built. This is clearly seen in GTA V a lot.

And at first people made their own cheats. So I guess that's why? Besides most people believes they had some serious coding going on whilst they were playing, not just a dll file replaced.

So it's just like nowadays us calling people sweaters although they wear the shit your mom made you wear in your 5th year of school and then a kid thought it looked cool and still wears it in high school. (Talking about the shirt with t-shirt on top thing)

This is my theory. I like my theory.