Candy Cane/ Base Ball Bat

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Hello there everyone,

Today I would like to discuss a topic about Candy Canes. Yesterday the mayor (Joe Baggers) was holding a candy cane and licking it until a officer (forgot his name) decided to start following us and order us to "Put down the weapon". I then explained to him that this is a candy cane, and he proceeded by saying: "but it's a reskin of the bat?" In LOOC. Now, this officer does not need a definition of candy cane, instead he needs a definition of RP. We come to PERP in order to RP and have fun. When you start RP'ing this means you must use logic that you use in your normal daily life. In real life you wouldn't go up to a kid, confiscate his candy cane, and give him a ticket for it? I'm not saying you must never confiscate a candy cane even if it was used in a crime scene. I'm saying: "Candy Canes may not be confiscated, unless used in a inappropriate manner. Therefor, someone who uses his candy cane to hit someone else. Now, let me continue the story. The officer then constantly followed us, so we decided to call the LT. and hope he understands. After calling the LT. and having a meeting with him we realized he was no better than the officer. The LT. then resigned, and the mayor decided to continue licking his candy cane at the PD private parking. The officer still continued following us, and S.W.A.T were just laughing at his stupidity. He then got his weapon out and started gun pointing the mayor ordering him to drop his "candy cane". I then realized that the mayors life was in danger, and me being his SS, I decided to take action. I then approached the officer from behind and aimed my gun to his head ordering him to "Put his weapon down" the S.W.A.T then decided to gun point me a long with the mayor. The other SS suggested it was best to get in the limo and leave, so I waited for the SS to get the mayor in his limo and go. Next thing I knew I was shot down by the officer and finished off by him. Was this all really because of a candy cane? I bet that all of you who are reading this have your palms in your foreheads (FacePalm) thinking: "What is this officer doing?" I need someone (@Jordan) from the board of supervisors to explain if these Candy Canes are illegal, or are they as I stated: "illegal when used inappropriately".

Thank you for reading,
George Schurr. on phone
In my eyes candy canes are baseball bats,but it depends on what the person is doing with it. Some people rp licking it and others ran around hitting each other with them. It's hard to decide as a cop if the person is using it to hit people, also when someone holds the candy cane it looks like they are going to hit a person/object.
Just going to say this, new people that KNOW they are re-skined will not really care if they are roleplaying the candy cane as actual candy cane, but they will roleplay it out as a bat as some officers do not care. Now, in my opinion, if the candy cane is being used in an illegal way it MUST be confiscated, even if its roleplayed as a candy cane. If not then he can hold it out, roleplay and stuff. The officer wasn't completely wrong, he was just trying to save other citizens from this candy cane himself thinking it is an offensive weapon which goes under Law (2.6)

EDIT: The officer's OOC name is @TheVin
Basically the officer Jake something needs to lighten up, if they want to rp that it is an actual candy cane let them. I see no problem with it, however if they want to run around using it as a weapon treat it as one.

TLDR: Jake Tennyson needs to lighten up.
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They are a re-skin of the baseball bat for the christmas period. That still makes beating the shit out of someone with one illegal. Treat them like a normal bat. They're illegal if mis-used/ used without a valid excuse.
I had the same thing with @Niko I knew exactly what they were but he was just screaming it is a candy cane. I brought it up with @MrLewis and he said the same thing they are simple reskins and should be treated as weapons.
Looked like a full on Mexican standoff.

Anyway, look at the AT out on me. It's a candy cane, not a baseball-bat. Not saying that a candy cane can't do any damage,, but come on... Would you take someone seriously if they approached you with a candy cane, wanting to mug you?

As long as it is skinned as a candy cane, treat it like a candy cane.

Candy Cane Baseball Bat Reskin
This isn't the first set of issues we've had with this so I'm going to clear this up for you.
  • Possession of a baseball bat in a public place is illegal if there is no justifiable and acceptable reason (law 2.6). During the christmas period, possession of a candy cane in a public place shall not be considered illegal as it is a food item. Once the update is removed, the previous status quo will come into play.
  • However, the moment that it is used in a threatening, or illegal way, it can be considered an illegal item under law 2.6. This includes swinging the candy cane, especially around other players or brandishing it in a way that may cause alarm or distress.
  • Custodial sentences should not be given where possible; it may be sufficient to just confiscate the item and issue a ticket unless an assault has taken place.
Hi, I am the Officer who was dealing with this situation. Under my views and the standing LT at the time, the baseball bat (candy cane) was to be classed as a weapon, and under law 2.6 the acts that where being committed where illegal. I apoligise if it interupted your roleplay with it, as to be honest it turned into some stupid cops vs SS thing after and ended up being a fuckfest. I never wanted it to get to the level it got to, but it ended up like that. But it was not just about the baseball bat, It was also about your abuse of powers as a SS (restraining me when I was just trying to talk to the mayor).