Change 5.3 Raiding

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What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.3 Raiding

Your version of the rule:

Civilians are not allowed to raid, or assist others who are raiding, an occupied property more than 3 times in a 60 minute period, or raid the same property more than twice in a 60 minute period. If a civilian has died whilst raiding a property, they must wait 30 minutes after they have respawned before attempting to raid, or assist others in raiding that property, unless the same raid/rp sit is still ongoing. Civillians are forbidden from counter raiding a property unless it's to assist the defenders.

Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited:

It's just really annoying right now that player’s can just loiter around you when you are setting up a raid. Once's you placed your bombs/bobbied the doors they make their move and shoot you in the back. Raiders are already at a massive disadvantage (which they should be in my opinion). But it is annoying to see people lurking around like hyenas near an active shootout waiting to shoot you from behind. It also does not benefit the defenders because lots of the times defenders manages to take out a few people when they are trying to force entry. Right now, this group of raiders is shot down from behind and just replaced by a new fresh group of raiders. Who have not used any of their nades and barely any ammunition and have full health.

The only time you should be flanked is when org members/allies of the defenders are helping their mates out or when cops show up. People who are not directly involved in a shootout should just leave the area and not loiter around like a hungry pack of hyenas. Taking down it’s pray when they are on its weakest.

The fact that this is still allowed also discourages people from raiding. Making it easier and way more profitable to power grow. I don’t think this is a good thing in on a sever in which the economy is already messed up .
I've always just told them not to do it because it is a dick move but I agree, should be against the rules.

Counter raiding IMO is just 2.5, unless you have a good reason to actually counter raid them I don't see why you would ruin their experience by counter raiding them. If you wanted to raid them but they then did it before you, too bad. Too slow.
I've always just told them not to do it because it is a dick move but I agree, should be against the rules.

Counter raiding IMO is just 2.5, unless you have a good reason to actually counter raid them I don't see why you would ruin their experience by counter raiding them. If you wanted to raid them but they then did it before you, too bad. Too slow.
How is counter raiding 2.5 you're profiting at someone elses demise you're gaining something you're not doing it for no reason you're doing to profit
How is counter raiding 2.5 you're profiting at someone elses demise you're gaining something you're not doing it for no reason you're doing to profit
Yeah, they are also raiding them for profit yet you counter raid them to completely ruin it for them, first come first serve
tph counter the raid is more profit lot of dead ppl easy guys/drugs most of people are low as fk
The fact that this is still allowed also discourages people from raiding. Making it easier and way more profitable to power grow. I don’t think this is a good thing in on a sever in which the economy is already messed up.

1. It doesnt discourage people from raiding it makes them be aware of the fact someone can always come behind you, seems like you should pay more attention or just spectate people so you know if youre being flanked

2. How does it easier to power grow... the grower is losing regardless of a counter or not

3. IRL trading doesnt ruin the economy when money is simply changing hands, if you have no concept of what breaks an economy dont pretend to.

please stop
where is the dumb rating when u need it
I would stop but when people try jusify something with even more stupid shit then I have to point that out.

While youre at it remove raiding too as its 2.5, mugging and just speaking too tbh as i get offended easily
I would stop but when people try jusify something with even more stupid shit then I have to point that out.

While youre at it remove raiding too as its 2.5, mugging and just speaking too tbh as i get offended easily
How can you compare a normal raid to counter raiding, how can you compare mugging to counter raiding... They are completely different things. Literally no need for acting like this when you know damn well what I mean with this, you are just throwing out the bait and I am the type of person to bite. .
1. It doesnt discourage people from raiding it makes them be aware of the fact someone can always come behind you, seems like you should pay more attention or just spectate people so you know if youre being flanked

2. How does it easier to power grow... the grower is losing regardless of a counter or not

3. IRL trading doesnt ruin the economy when money is simply changing hands, if you have no concept of what breaks an economy dont pretend to.
It does affect the economy it’s not simply changing hands. If you die it takes al lot of time to set up your drugs again. Otherwise, it just becomes an oiled machine. If you die during a raid it significantly affects the growing efficiency. Resulting in less batches of drugs being harvested every hour.
How can you compare a normal raid to counter raiding, how can you compare mugging to counter raiding... They are completely different things. Literally no need for acting like this when you know damn well what I mean with this, you are just throwing out the bait and I am the type of person to bite. .
I am comparing them because youre calling it 2.5 with the only basis being you being mad about it.
Have you even won a raid to get counter raided... because I really doubt you have had any first-hand experience with it.

You are baiting yourself by supporting a post made my Alliat
I am comparing them because youre calling it 2.5 with the only basis being you being mad about it.
Have you even won a raid to get counter raided... because I really doubt you have had any first-hand experience with it.

You are baiting yourself by supporting a post made my Alliat
My brain hurts
It does affect the economy it’s not simply changing hands. If you die it takes al lot of time to set up your drugs again. Otherwise, it just becomes an oiled machine. If you die during a raid it significantly affects the growing efficiency. Resulting in less batches of drugs being harvested every hour.
It does affect the economy it’s not simply changing hands. If you die it takes al lot of time to set up your drugs again. Otherwise, it just becomes an oiled machine. If you die during a raid it significantly affects the growing efficiency. Resulting in less batches of drugs being harvested every hour.

It does affect the economy it’s not simply changing hands. - A person trades money to another person, it changes hands

If you die it takes al lot of time to set up your drugs again. - The person growing loses regardless of if the raid gets countered or not

If you die during a raid it significantly affects the growing efficiency. - Again, the person growing loses regardless
It does affect the economy it’s not simply changing hands. If you die it takes al lot of time to set up your drugs again. Otherwise, it just becomes an oiled machine. If you die during a raid it significantly affects the growing efficiency. Resulting in less batches of drugs being harvested every hour.
Don't pretend to know how an economy works, IRL trading doesn't affect the total amount of money in the economy it's just circulating (changing hands), right now growing is piss easy, and making money is just too easy there aren't enough money skins to counter-act the amount of money being added daily.
It does affect the economy it’s not simply changing hands. - A person trades money to another person, it changes hands

If you die it takes al lot of time to set up your drugs again. - The person growing loses regardless of if the raid gets countered or not

If you die during a raid it significantly affects the growing efficiency. - Again, the person growing loses regardless
I just explained why the defender is placed in a disadvantage. He does not lose regardless he can also win from the raiders but lose from the counter raiders. And I also explained why its not a simple as changing hands as well as explained why this results in less raids being performed and how this improves growing efficiency. But I leave at it at this.
I've always just told them not to do it because it is a dick move but I agree, should be against the rules.

Counter raiding IMO is just 2.5, unless you have a good reason to actually counter raid them I don't see why you would ruin their experience by counter raiding them. If you wanted to raid them but they then did it before you, too bad. Too slow.
How can you consider counter raiding 2.5. If you are saying this then raiding in general is 2.5. If you are using this as an excuse you can basically state anything is 2.5, This is the first time I have ever seen or heard alliat play crim, counter raiding comes along with the chances of losing raids. We have lost countless raids to people counter us. But we lose even more raids due to the **** zerg of 12 cops than swarm into us. Counter raiding is fine aslong as it is done within the rules I.e no cops being around ETC
Yeah, they are also raiding them for profit yet you counter raid them to completely ruin it for them, first come first serve
That is a really bad take on the matter imo. When you are raiding a property you are supposed to be careful and watch your back because you never know who is coming to get you. Considering counter raiding as 2.5 would mean considering mugging fishers since it just ruins their mood. Such thing as FCFS doesn't really apply to PERP, it's whoever is more powerful gets the loot.
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