Police Suggestion Change first jobs to probationary officer.

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Sheffield United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Change first jobs to probationary officer.
Suggestion Description: So I want the first job to be Probationary officer because cops are becoming more horrible and breaking force policy and as officer you will acquire a firearm. So i was thinking to change it to see and example of other police so they can advance to the next ran and so forward. so I want this change so there will be less problems in the PLPD and people will have a chance to know what to do as officer and have seen what they done to take their next step in the PLPD.

Why should this be added?:
- To Understand and to see how they should be as an active cop on duty.
- To understand the policy of an officer to take their next step.
- To actually be a cop and know how to feel in the PLPD and should be welcomed as a rookie.
- Less IA's for officers as they will and should be able to understand how to act as a Law Enforcement

What negatives could this have?:
Negatives can be under this suggestion

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