Change the Map

Should the map be changed? If so what to?

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North of Ireland
So it's coming up to around the time the map usually changes and I decided to make a poll to see people's thoughts on what the map should be changed to. :woot:
I think a map change is well overdue. Just any fucking map at this point I'm sick of seeing v4 all the time. Even v1 if Evo isnt going to happen :banghead:
Freshen up the server a bit and do another map rotation, primarily give Evo City another shot as people want to try the map out since not everyone has had a chance to do so last time than to stay on the same map that has been played for the longest time
In my opinion perp won't feel like the authentic server it's know for when your on evocity, a commonly used map in darkRP that's really large and in my opinion kind of over used and simply boring. The current map just gives it that perp feel and I would not really see myself playing perp on any other map.
True but you got to think about perp at it's peak, that was simply not evocity and most players now will recognise it as Paralake due to that being when they joined
The peak was the day before it changed to Paralake, it's been declining ever since.
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