chickenrappa helper app

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Illinois, United States of America
STEAM NAME: chickenrappa

AGE: 22

STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:67580789

IN-GAME NAME: John Dempsey

WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A HELPER?: I would like to be a helper because after many years on this server and in this community. I have a wealth of knowledge which I feel might be helpful beyond my role as a player currently when helping newer players. I have spent a good amount of time in an unofficial capacity helping new players over the past months, as a veteran player of the server. As many of you who are active on the server might see, I spend a good bit of time answering in /help as well as mainly assisting newer players who are taking the PLPD route in the server. As things have evolved over the years since I joined the server, much has changed; most for the better. I would like to be apart of that positive change and continue to assist in making the community greater by expanding the reach of the server. I am a bit of a night owl, but I am also American. As many of you may or may not know, I play late at night whenever I am at work. Many of you may feel this is a disadvantage to be not from the EU, however; I feel that it is a positive. Many of the newer players on the server I have noticed are American, and come on late at night to almost nobody online, or nobody able to assist them. I feel that being a helper in a more official capacity might be a better way to make a positive impact on these newer players during the times when much of the playerbase is asleep.

WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE YOU?: I am generally a pretty level headed and calm guy. I feel that being calm and level headed especially when dealing with somebody who has no idea what you're talking about is a great characteristic to hold. I am also generally very patient with people who don't understand something. I have spent many hours inviting friends over the years and teaching them about the server. I also proactively already assist players, in any capacity that I can. I am also relatively personable, I can connect and interact with many different people with different backgrounds, as I have knowledge of many different backgrounds and a larger amount of life experience as an older member of the community. In addition, I also play both sides of the house as a player, as a civilian and as an officer. I also am able to remember what it was like when my friend so long ago from a different gaming community told me about PERPHeads and I was so excited to play, but as he was european; I was mainly left to my own devices. I recall how it felt to not know what was going on. I would like to assist in remedying the problems that I had and I am sure many other players are having when they join a new server without a guide to walk them through everything. So I also bring both levels of knowledge from my many years of playing this server to the table, along with my way with words, calm demeanor and drive to give back to the community that I have been apart of for a great while.

DO YOU HAVE ANY RELEVANT EXPERIENCE?: In real life, I deal with the angry, the belligerent, the mentally handicapped and the dementia ridden. I have much experience dealing with people with a wide range of issues, ranging from mental health issues all the way to life crises. I feel that being so comfortable being confronted and dealing with frustration makes me a bit better equipped to deal with people who may have problems adjusting to a new server, or acting correctly. As I recall being frustrated my few month or so on the server as I tried to figure everything out and frequently got either mugged, raided, or generally stepped on by the players who had hundreds or thousands of hours at the time. I am also knowledgeable about de-escalation and talking people down from their anger, which could be helpful if a new player writes a help ticket with a bunch of racial obscenities or generally angry words. I also have a large amount of knowledge about the server, as I have been playing since I was about 16 or 17.

DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY?: I am open to conversation, if you agree or disagree with this application. Feel free to let me know down below. Thanks for reading!
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He was a excellent resource to ride along with for my OR in the Paralake PD. He had a teaching style that forced me to critically think about what to do next and did not just throw answers at me. He made me think about the problems at hand and guided me in the right direction when solving them. Example; when learning police codes and terminology he would prompt me, "now that we finished this raid and secured the area what should we do?" And then led me through giving the proper code over the radio to my superior officer that my unit is now patrolling, but ready for assignments.

He took the time to show me the typical raid positions and how to push or when to hold my ground during chaotic firefights.

+1 for helper
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Correct me if I am wrong, I haven't seen you on the server much. Now, it could be down to timezone differences, after all, you're on the other side of the world, however, I believe you only just came back (at least looking at your PD Activity, that is what it looks like.
Once I see more of you, I might be able to give more feedback than I have listed below;

  • Be more active on the server, forums and TeamSpeak.
    • Forums - Your postings are quite split apart, sometimes 2 weeks apart.
    • Forums - Try answering queries in the Help and Support section of the forums
    • Server - Show an active presence in OOC and help chat with answering questions etc.
    • TeamSpeak - Show how you can be sociable and talk to people in TeamSpeak (I understand some people hide in their own personal channels!)
  • Show activity in OOC and help chat. Assist users with their questions, just because someone else has already answered, doesn't mean you can't answer as well.
For now, I can not give a definitive opinion in giving support or not as I have not seen you on as much, again, could be down to time zone differences.
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Illinois, United States of America
Maybe the timezone difference shows in this case because I am one of the few who always replies to help chat and OOC chat in game, and while my forum postings aren't every single day mainly because I have a life, job, friends, COVID, etc. My application is based on the fact that almost none of you are around when I am online. I am sure you were on yesterday when I was on and saved you from the hostage sit and was answering /help's all day, or perhaps you were busy with something else and weren't looking at the help chat and my replies to them. I do appreciate the tip about answering help on the forums though. I have already taken that solid piece of advice, so thanks for that.
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