Citizen ID / Driving Licence Card

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Description of the idea:
I would like to bring up an idea to be looked at by the community so everyone can decide wheather it's suitable or not, So all opinions and suggestions are welcome. I have thought about Civilian and PLPD interactions during scenarios created for example a traffic stop. This is where this idea has come to mind. When condoning a traffic stop the Officer would like to find out who the individual is by getting their ID or a Driving License, This is also to verify that they are who they claim to be. The Officer can then return to the vehicle and run checks on the individual, to see if they have any previous infractions / charges or in some cases they can check if the person has any outstanding warrants that were previously issued. This could be a basic ID / Driving License card conatining for example these types of information:
  • Name (In game)
  • Date Of Birth
  • Sex
  • Region / County (Will obviously be the same for everyone) - Paralake
  • Height
  • ID Number
The ID card / Driving License would allow us all to extend our role play further, meaning we wouldn't have to use /Describe to state names we could just simply type in /showid and it would appear on the selected persons or nearest persons screen. The officer can then proceed to validate the information, return the ID to the person (close the pop up of the ID) and continue with the situation.

This is just a rough idea of what come to mind and im willing to hear what other members of the community think and i hope you all share your opinions, maybe a few will have some suggestions to improve the idea.

Why should this be added? (pros):
  • It would minimalise players from using /describe to state their names.
  • it would be a good way to identify yourself to Law Enforcemnt.
  • It would be a nice add on to simply make RP more realistic.

What negatives could this have? (cons): N/A

*Images: Attached a rough image of what the concept of the idea is. Obviously speaking if this idea was to go ahead, the actual ID card we use in the game would look much better than the immage found of google lol.
You’re suggesting we replace doing /desc with /showid? This is a tad confusing but I don’t think there is much wrong with using /desc as it gives you a lot of versatility such as impersonating someone else by stealing their ID etc. I think this would most likely have the opposite effect and have a negative impact on RP as officers will just scream at people “DO /SHOWID NOW” instead of going through the current procedures to establish someone’s identity.
You’re suggesting we replace doing /desc with /showid? This is a tad confusing but I don’t think there is much wrong with using /desc as it gives you a lot of versatility such as impersonating someone else by stealing their ID etc. I think this would most likely have the opposite effect and have a negative impact on RP as officers will just scream at people “DO /SHOWID NOW” instead of going through the current procedures to establish someone’s identity.

People kind of meta-game that anyway.. if they say "show me your id" and you do /desc david carry then its gonna say (Describe) David Carry [Charlie Modo] and the cop will be like "this id isnt you" or "this id is fake"
People kind of meta-game that anyway.. if they say "show me your id" and you do /desc david carry then its gonna say (Describe) David Carry [Charlie Modo] and the cop will be like "this id isnt you" or "this id is fake"
I guesss but really they should be rolling and what not idk at least the option is there with just using /desc

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