clouttoken ban dispute

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Reaction score
Appealing for: CloutToken
Appeal type: defense
Which staff member banned you: Gimic
How long were you banned for: 2 days

Your Steam Name
: clouttoken
Your In-game Name: peter swans
Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:112660502

Why were you banned/blacklisted: prop pushing
Why should this appeal be considered: the admin/mod/we literally kept insisting that i was lying to him even though i told him what i knew. before i relogged he asked if i knew who pushed the car and i thought he was talking about who pushed it behind the mountains (2nd sit) and i said no because i literally had no idea and has initially thought that he was talking about the first time the car got prop pushed into the sky (which was resolved, at least i thought it was until i got dragged to a rooftop). i relogged and got taken to a rooftop and i explained everything but he kept saying over and over that i was lying. i got told that i was prop pushing a car at rc station which is true because the car was literally half an inch away from the gas pumps at the time and it was dumb how i couldnt refill it and was then told that i havent learnt and there is no excuse because i have two weeks playtime. this ban isn't very logical

Additional Comment(s): no
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