Communication Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Communication Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Spook
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Zexinity
Your Roleplay Name: Peng Luoyang
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:151129350

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 1.1 - User sent another user messages over steam containing offensive, racist, disdainful and defamatory material. Extended to community-wide.

Why should this appeal be considered?: Forum account apology

Firstly I would like to make clear that this apology doesn't serve as an apology to immediately be unbanned from the server as a whole. After my several ban apologies for this event I have acknowledged the fact that I won't be unbanned from PERP so easily, as I made a serious offence, hurting and disrespecting the community and the rules. Therefore this apology serves to look for another way for me to get back into the community and for me to prove myself to not only the staff team, but also to the community.

I would like to sincerely apologise for my OOC behaviour towards the community, and specifically the user I send these messages to (not specifying the name of the user due to possible privacy matters). The messages I send were straight up inhumane. I shouldn't have send, or even thought about sending these messages to the user. I want to apologise for the childish behaviour from 3/4 years ago. I have grown up and experienced more from the world. I would never again show any such kind of behaviour.

Again, I want to express my sincerest apologies to the whole community of PERPheads. I miss PERPheads and especially the community. I am committed to making amends for my past behaviour and so I am looking for a way to gradually come back into the PERPheads community if the people of community let me. I acknowledge the severity of my actions and the consequences it had.

As a means to gradually come back into the PERPheads community and proving that I've changed and won't show such behaviour ever again, I am making this apology for my forum account.

(I also heard some time ago that there was a possibility of being unbanned IC from the server, but keeping me banned OOC. This is also a way for me to prove myself if this is seen as an option.)

I am very grateful for the time I spent on the server and would love to play PERPheads again with the whole community, it honestly felt like home. Thanks for reading my apology.
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