Communication Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

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Punishment Type: Communication Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Ultimate
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent

Your Steam Name: Thorgal
Your Roleplay Name: Akachi Okeke, i think so
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:562223058

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Community Wide Banned And the sea be toxic and threatening towards staffs on discord. And ingame

Why should this appeal be considered?: I started playing Perpheads community, 2020. Already got My first punishment, Dec 18, 2020 4:55 pm. It already shows how stupid I was, I only wanted to play so as not to break or spoil the game for anyone However, it turned out to be something else.

I started playing with some other danish peopel and someone from london, I had a really good time there and felt welcome, There was one person who joined the gang and obviously didn't like me. And spoke badly to me and belittled me. It was an adult who talked down to me constantly and I could tell he didn't like me, It wasn't nice for me, And remember I was 11-12 where it can be hard for a little boy to be bullied . and staffs you can laugh but I was also bullied in there by some guys because I was a PO officer, I think I got a tear in my eye, My partner who had to Patrol with me he could hear in my voice that I was sad, so i ended up leaving the game. After that episode, I felt that people looked down on me because I didn't have a deep voice and was a little boy.

I was overweight. I didn't have many friends in class. I didn't actually talk to anyone. There wasn't anyone who wanted to be with him. Thorgal, I wasn't accepted at my school. People didn't have anything to do with me anymore. I was sad for myself. . I started hanging out with some older guys who made a lot of trouble I felt accepted there they laughed with me and thought I was cool. However, I was offered to take some drugs and I felt why not just try it, the worst that can happen, I'm 13 when this happens. I became their dog like crazy. I had to do things for them steal or I would have been beaten. I hope you see how difficult my life has been, sir, don't unban me because I've had a hard time, I just think when people bully you on a server, you also feel you yourself have to be toxic to be able to be that way. I'll go right back to it with those boys I ended up saying no to them, Then they took me down to a basement and beat me Kicked me in the head and punched me in the nose I've got car leads off my arms if you don't believe I mean it very seriously, everything I'm telling you is true, I might as well be honest.

I started to self-harm because I didn't get any help and I was traumatized and scared all that time because of the hard episodes, I'm already starting to tear up as I write this.

My mother found out I was beaten and stolen and saw my wounds and scars on my body

She told my older sister she started crying immediately and I was sent to the hospital where my arm was completely smashed. My mother looked for help. I got help from a hospital in Denmark/Copenhagen called Rigshospitalet: I also went to meetings with other children who had it incredibly difficult. I was also diagnosed with ADHD. After 8 months of meeting. I came across Christianity And became very religious I stand up talking to Jesus thanking him because he has saved my life if my mother didn't seek help the sea I killed myself......

I was healed according to Jesus Christ. I got the courage to lose weight And go down and train in Fittnes And I've made many new friends And I'm in good hands I feel safe/happy. I get up in the morning Where 10.30. in the morning. Then I go downstairs and train And come home and just feel so good and physically strong. Before I started working out I weighed 85 kilos when I was 14, no muscles, it's really not nice and I don't look good. Now this day I weigh 69 kilos, I feel happier and can trust my goals and my self-esteem. It also shows that you can do well when you believe in it.
I see tiktoks with it is so easy to lose weight but it can be really hard for a boy like me or someone else. You must have the courage and strength. We all humans have it, we just have to dig it up.....

I want to personally apologize To you a1l And you Mini and you Hayden James And you Ellie Wolf And you all. I looked back at the discord messages I sea sent to any of you and god where could I see I sea it didn't look good mentally. no boy should write such a cruel thing to another human being, I was not aware of that at the time. I apologize to all of you, I am deeply sorry that you had to experience me like this, I would never want it to be difficult. I am very sorry - I hope you can forgive me.

You have now heard that it wasn't just The Itchy Little Boy Thorgal. You have heard my side of my life it has been bad and now ended well. There is hope in all of us, There is love in all of us. We just don't see it

I hope you have read my long message It is all true these events have happened it has been heavy but I got over the dark wall I am on the bright side. I know I've just made an unban appeal But I'm asking for one last change to show that I've become a completely new person if I get unbanned I won't come any more Good energy and good love I hope to see you and also the new players❤️

Additional Information: I swear on my life it's not chatgpt Could never think of writing something so horrible Like this if it was it's real and it's things that have happened to me yes I was hurt but got over it thank you for the change at all for to be able to write an unban appeal

If you are having a hard time, talk to someone about it. It saved my life. When I talked to God. I love you. I hope you will forgive me and give me a change.❤️
Reaction score


Your server ban will remain, but we will allow you one last chance to re-integrate yourself into the community via the forums and discord.
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