Community Counter-Strike Night

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sneed's feed & seed
Hello everyone,

I recently gauged interest from you all regarding a FACEIT Hub for the community to freely use to play amongst one another. Enough of you voted yes so I went ahead and created the Hub which you can find linked below. I figured that I might as well organize something to bring more of the community into the Hub and get the ball rolling a little smoother which is why I'm writing this.

Starting this Saturday and continuing into the foreseeable future I will be hosting a Saturday CS Night which will start at 9pm BST. Any and all players are welcome, it doesn't matter if you're a noob or a top-fragger, I encourage you to jump in and enjoy some pick-up games.

For those of you who may not have used FACEIT before, you actually don't need to install their little client. The requirements for FACEIT are that you have 20hrs played time on CS:GO in order to sign up. You'll also need to install their anti-cheat which can also be found below. Community rules will apply! Hope to see you all Saturday!

Community FACEIT Hub:
FACEIT Anti-Cheat:
Thank you for the clarification and yes I didn't mean actual money or anything like that, I meant perp cash because that was the topic in discussion.

People also don't grow weed or dry cocaine and cook meth but it's a game and nobody actually is going to end up doing this stuff irl like killing a cop just cause they did it in the game.

Edit 1: now im curious, im asking an imam
If I can not scream out the most violent and rule breaking geneva suggestion breaking shit known to man when I get killed by some fucker with a p250 from the other side of the map then I unfortunatly cannot attend.

I must agree, and I think @Dank knows the exact words that I’d be using, which unfortunately would get me a nice CWB
You are falling off so hard bro ngl