Constant crashes and T-Posing

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All players appear to be in T-Pose and I constantly crash
Also I can't attach Crash Logs, says its format is not appropriate
Solved by disabling other addons and following the following guide:

Please refer to this guide for general support regarding content & crashing.
Rule 1 about issues like T-posing is to ALWAYS disable other add-ons, and only have perp ones.
If the guide didn't help you or you need further support then feel free to reply to this thread.
Please refer to this guide for general support regarding content & crashing.
Rule 1 about issues like T-posing is to ALWAYS disable other add-ons, and only have perp ones.
If the guide didn't help you or you need further support then feel free to reply to this thread.
Thanks for the hands up, yeah I got this problem when I subscribed to content from other server. By disabling addons you meant unsubscribing from them or is there another way?
Thanks for the hands up, yeah I got this problem when I subscribed to content from other server. By disabling addons you meant unsubscribing from them or is there another way?
You can try disabling the addons first, then only enabling perpheads related addons.
As exnem has said.
To attach your log, try and put it in a TXT file then attach it. If not, upload it to mega and send the link here.
When having content issues there’s a few things I always do that you can give ago
Firstly make sure you have all the relevant content, including CSS
Verify game files

if neither of these bring up any issues, I’d recommend uninstalling all your game content and just redownloading the perp content.
An issue many don’t bring up is sometimes your CSS content won’t load properly if you’ve never ran the game, so if you’re using the content from the official game, I’d recommend giving that a go.
Solved by disabling other addons and following the following guide:

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