joR Messages 2,682 Reaction score 7,405 Points 935 Mar 6, 2014 Thread starter #21 [PH] Mikey said: You should make more of those things good job Click to expand... Cheers, I'll think on some to make.
[PH] Mikey said: You should make more of those things good job Click to expand... Cheers, I'll think on some to make.
Ben Lockwood Messages 372 Reaction score 515 Points 320 Location Hung Chows Home Jun 23, 2014 #22 Good guide, especially liking the be lenient if they comply etc as tickets are often the cause of conflict. A good guide on a job not everyone knows how to play. Great job.
Good guide, especially liking the be lenient if they comply etc as tickets are often the cause of conflict. A good guide on a job not everyone knows how to play. Great job.
joR Messages 2,682 Reaction score 7,405 Points 935 Jun 24, 2014 Thread starter #24 Thanks a lot to the people that just commented. I'll archive this since it is very outdated. I'll work on making another one soon.
Thanks a lot to the people that just commented. I'll archive this since it is very outdated. I'll work on making another one soon.