Corner of thought

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This thread is just a segment of my thoughts that I would like to share with the community. Recently, I have become rather bored, maybe it's due to the weather taking a turn for the worse, or that there are no reports to do on the server! The truth be said is that I'm looking for a new hobby. On a Sunday biweekly, I play Airsoft at my local site which is not too far away from me. It's great fun, the experience being comparable to if ARMA, Call of Duty and Battlefield had a love child, however as I said previously this is only biweekly.

I'm looking far and wide for a new hobby, or something to occupy my mind when I'm not at airsoft, at work, or sat on my computer being rather counter-productive. Recently I've tried new things, such as coding which didn't last very long.

For a while, I've recently expressed interest in motoring; may it be an old Corsa, or perhaps a Toyota Supra, or ever so the elegant Toyota AE86. I've always found motoring mechanics to be extremely interesting, always getting stuck in when doing up my previous two cars that I had owned from my experienced Father and my learning mechanic-to-be Brother. From replacing some wheel bearings, to fixing a leaking fuel pipe; every outcome may it be successful or not to be very rewarding. Rewarding because of the knowledge gained from maintaining my own vehicle, or having saved money in the process due to my frugal ways.
It should also be noted that I have also gained an interest in motor sport; rally cross, track racing and drifting in particular.

I've recently been looking at cars going cheap on websites such as Gumtree or Autotrader, considering if I should purchase a car (preferably RWD) and do it up as a project car from Spares and Repairs up to "almost new" condition. Perhaps I could enter one into a local amateur rally event, just for a bit of fun!

Should I undertake such a rewarding hobby, or should I pursuit a new hobby? Does anybody here have any experience in project motoring, or racing? I would love to hear your views and opinions on the matter as it would enable me to decide the right course of action if I were to pursuit this path.
Aviation is a nice hobby. Go to your local airfield, maybe they have a gliding club or an airclub
I find playing music aswell as video editing very rewarding. You set out with an ambitious goal, and when you reach it, it feels damn good.
I've been involved in motorsport for quite a while doing rally and race marshalling and recovery. It's a very expensive hobby to undertake, especially at your age. Even if you cheap out on a car, you can't cheap out on all the gear you need to enter most events, all the safety kit will set you back a few grand. You'd probably be best looking for your nearest racetrack and seeing if they run amateur drift or drag race events which don't require any special safety equipment, and you can show up to those in anything from a golf to an impreza.
Buying a cheap car and turning it into something decent will cost a bit of money and a shit ton of time but if that's where your interests are you should totally do it. If car engineering and racing is a hobby you might even be able to turn that into a job. We're all going to fucking die anyway at some point, just do whatever you enjoy most is my suggestion.

I turned my hobby into a job!
Buying a cheap car and turning it into something decent will cost a bit of money and a shit ton of time but if that's where your interests are you should totally do it. If car engineering and racing is a hobby you might even be able to turn that into a job. We're all going to fucking die anyway at some point, just do whatever you enjoy most is my suggestion.

I turned my hobby into a job!

exactly this.

Working on broken cars is an extremely fun and rewarding experience, especially if you can find a cheap gem and be able to convert it to like a driftcar.

this guy has like a few vids about fixing an old car, you might know him tho
I've been studying automotive engineering aka mechanics for 3 years now, im more into bikes than cars but a lot of stuff can be transferred over. Buy yourself a shitty car and turn it into a project car you could either do it up all nice or use it as a car to learn on. Taking things apart and replacing them and if you fuck it up at least you learned and didn't fuck up on your real everyday car. Its a good way to teach yourself.