Couple Notable Staff

Reaction score
Nottingham, England
@Adrish is genuinely a decent staff member, wouldn't be surprised if he eventually went for administrator as he has proven his dedication to the staff team time and time again. This is far off being a fat ass recommendation because he's done too much to pick out every action but it's safe to say he is one of the higher quality staff members.

@Madda has been a stupendous staff member throughout his time as an administrator, carrying on from his superb moderation, great community man as well, always chatting to people in teamspeak and in shoutbox.

@John Daymon knows the line between fun and rules so well, enforcing with a firm but fair rule whilst still maintaining a bit of friendliness on the side. Although people are starting to turn this into a joke, I am sure he would make a superb addition to senior administration with his current attitude.

Big ups to these three lads.