CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) And Medical Overhaul

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Topic: To allow Players who know CPR to assist in resuscitation.

: CPR Is used in emergency situations where defibrillators are not currently around, and used when the heart has stopped beating or is slowing. CPR could be used by anyone that knows how to perform it correctly.

Why It should be added: I think it would bring further realism into the server because: Just because a medic is not around/on duty a person will not need to just be uncontentious and die.
CPR is used to double the likely hood of a person survival. It's used until more advanced procedures (Defibrillators) come on scene. This can keep an person uncontentious a little longer. of course this would not work on a person who is bleeding out or a person who is already deceased.

This does not need to be added to everyone on the server. There could be a sort of system that allows people to take some kind of test? Or a new skill like a lifesaver? They could use bandages/stim packs more effectively as well as have the ability to use CPR. (@Chris idea of the lifesaver skill)

This could be useful in many ways, A great example is: If there is no medics currently on duty, People can still attempt to bring an uncontentious person back (rare chance) CPR would also take a considerably longer time than defibrillators and the success rate would be lowered. Unless the person has a high amount of regent genes. then maybe they can be resuscitated easier.

Watching a guy simply being knocked out and die because there is no medics on is a bit of a downer for me. Being able to continue a role play of trying to save the persons life would be amazingly fun and could support in some people continuing a role play siltation instead of walking away from dead bodies on the streets.

Another thing that seems to annoy people is that cops can be taken out by several bullets then a medic just comes along and revives him if it was safe. Then the cop gets up and goes back to attacking the criminals. Or people going to the NPC inside hospital to get healed and going back to the bank. This provides an unfair advantage to the officers. If it was made possible that the officer had to wait an amount of time before going back in for example; A medic taking him to the hospital, rolepaly treating his wounds and 5 minutes later being able to go back would be much more realistic.

The use of epinephrine is mostly to stop elergic reactions but if going into a cardiac arrest (Sudden cessation of the heart) An epinephrine can be used to:
  • Increasing heart rate
  • Increasing heart muscle contractility
  • Increasing conductivity through the AV node
This would provide the person a better chance of survival in combined use of an AED. Of course Epinephrine may not be a good idea of perpheads. But I thought I would just throw it in here.

The ability to lie down in the hospitals bed for a much better passive roleplay feel. As well as the change in the beds looks.

Burn Victims: After being burnt, Depending on how bad it is the effects of the burns can vary. The most common Symptoms includes:
  • Pain the degree of pain is not related to the severity of the burn -- the most serious burns can be painless: This would restrict you from gaining regen in health until You receive medical attention from a medic/npc or a stim pack.
  • Shock: From shock your Alertness drops as well as the ability to see things clearly. This would be permanent until you receive medical attention in perp from a medic/NPC or a stim pack. Whiles in shock the ability to shoot or run is altered.

Additional notes:
  • CPR Should only be used when medics are not around.
  • It would be rare to bring someone back with CPR
  • Instead of brining someone back, It could be used to keep a person living(Uncontentious) Until a medic arrives on scene. To avoid trolling players can re spawn themselves after the original waiting time? (@Hazza56 suggested the limit of CPR is once and increases the unconscious time by 3 minutes.)
  • This should not effect the medics job at all due to defibrillators being faster and easier to use.
  • A person dying/falling uncontentious from blood lost would not come back from CPR.
  • CPR could be something you need to learn(maybe?) Before trying it. Because In real life it takes time to learn the right technique to actually start someone's heart again.
  • Bandages could be used on uncontentious bleeding suspects before CPR
  • If a person is brought back from CPR they would have a longer stunned (disorientated screen) time
  • People with high regen can be Resuscitated easier.
  • CPR learned from a skill addition to genes. Or a book at safety first. (high price)
  • CPR Kits: A kit bought from safety first, Is used to perform cpr. (Instead of having a skill tree or learning) Will cost substantially more than bandages.
  • Alcohol poisoned suspects can't be Brought back from CPR.
  • First aid/CPR kits can be crafted with high int and high crafting. (Would no be able to buy at safety first)
  • (Suggested by @NamesInsane) CPR Would be more effective with a higher first-aid skill. It also increases first aid. a max first aid can increase the likely hood of resuscitation by 5<%?
  • This could also be useful if there were two medics on scene. one performing CPR until the other medics defibrillators are charged. Increasing the victims chance of survival.
  • Epinephrine auto injector: One use pens that will bring people back that has died a few seconds after being uncontentious. One use unless you have a large ambulance that comes fully equip.
  • If people have been given serious injuries like a gunshot. They should be taken to the hospital instead of just being fibrillated and able to fight again. This would bring further realism and would help stop officers constantly raiding after being fibrillated. I see many people complain constantly about this. I feel it would make it much more fair.
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I see. Now knowing it has been denied before I still wish to attempt to see what other people think about it. As well as adding in more information to the CPR idea and how it would effect role play and situations when there is no medics available.

I personally believe it would be a great addition towards role play as well. even if it was suggested before I want to bring more detail into the subject and this is just a rough graph of the suggestion, I will add in more information in hopes it could one day be added.
I think they should make it so you can wake up from being unconscious. For example if you get punched you should wake up after a little while since a single punch would not be fatal. Also let you bandage other or unconscious people who are bleeding and a way to detect if someone is bleeding.
- Added some new notes to the Idea.-

Stuff like First aid/CPR Kits, That can be bought from Safety first at a high price. It can only be used once or twice. This would replace the idea of being able to learn CPR instead.
Hey Mr Riddle

I think the problem with this is the fact you will be taking RP from medics and that is a job that a lot of people like doing (Lewis Love and Brick Breeland)

I personally think it is a good idea however you have to take into consideration the "minges" and "fail RPers" of the server. I can imagine the staff team get a lot of hassle with people ninja ticketing and ninja hand cuffing and people breaking 2.1 by picklocking handcuffs in front of LEO's and I think it will be the same case with CPR. There will be a lot of people breaking rules using this technique you want to add.

The third input I want to add is you mention selling CPR and First Aid kits. If by doing this what would be the point of the regeneration trait and bandages?
@BillySavery 2 (sadly to long for comment)

I do agree with you on the part where there would be a lot of people trolling and fail roleplaying with CPR. But a lot of people do that with everything. That should not mean we cant allow something that's good to come into the game. Not saying this idea is good, Just stating that It should be considered despite the people that may or may not abuse it.

Secondly: I don't believe this would hinder the job of the medic. as CPR would be used as a preventative to death and rarely actual resuscitation. CPR Would be used to keep the victim/suspect alive until medics come on scene. Or if there is no medics continued CPR could eventual bring someone back. Strong emphasis on Rare occasion.
One thing which I think would be cool would be to have medics take you to the hospital for serious incidents on a stretcher but that might be a bit excessive, however CPR and that Life Saver skill sounds cool and should double the amount of time it takes to die possibly.
This should also affect the First Aid skill, for example a person with a level of 8/8 has better chances to resurrect a player.
I support this idea, as long as it isn't a glorified version of defibrillators.
Instead of brining someone back, It could be used to keep a person living(Uncontentious) Until a medic arrives on scene.
This would be a good thing to add, as having CPR completely revive someone would be far too overpowered in my eyes, however something to keep them alive for a longer time would be great. Some problems I can imagine with this is that there would be people trolling, doing CPR to keep people in the bleeding out stage forever. A way around this is that you could add a limit on how many times you can do CPR on someone, for example; the limit is doing CPR once, and it adds an extra 3 minutes to the persons life.

Made some changes to ideas as well as changed the title to make it a medical overhaul to add more realism to the medics jobs following 2.1
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