CPR For cops.

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If it is possible it would be cool, Because when there are no medics or they don't respond people are screwed basically. So I was thinking that maybe cops should have somekind of CPR SWEP that has a chance of reviving someone depending on the severity of the injury (If that is possible, if not just have it as a low chance) And to stop spamming if you do it over 3 times the victim dies, but then this could be a problem as well.

Just an idea.
Mind if i hijack your suggestion and add mine to it?

I think firefighters should also have this but only able to first aid to a certain point, like they can't first aid at seriously injured or equivalent, it's highly unlikely any firefighter wouldn't know how to revive someone..

In other words, +support
+support for this.

Most cops are trained in CPR and basic first aid so this would be in terms with RP. However it should have a much lower chance of reviving someone and should also take a while so cops can't use it quickly. In other words, At a bank robbery a cop shouldn't be able to CPR revive a downed cop next to him as it needs alot of fucus to reveie someone with CRP
MagmaKnight said:
+support for this.

Most cops are trained in CPR and basic first aid so this would be in terms with RP. However it should have a much lower chance of reviving someone and should also take a while so cops can't use it quickly. In other words, At a bank robbery a cop shouldn't be able to CPR revive a downed cop next to him as it needs alot of fucus to reveie someone with CRP
Yes I agree with the timer, and maybe should take some of your stamina so you cannot spam it.
If something like this were to be added, wouldn't it nearly remove the purpose of having medics? Just like how some argue to have fire extinguishers put into police vehicles and ambulances, which in turn would also reduce the purpose of having firefighters. So essentially we would just boil it down to having police as the one and only job, the variety of having jobs is what helps lead to RP. Roleplay at its heart requires lots of peoples that fill all sorts of roles which that player may find more exciting than another, and therefore create a type of world in which people live. Creating this world is not always easy as each job is not hugely exciting or worthwhile. People tend to like being police as you might get an opportunity to shoot someone, which to many is quite a lot of fun, medics and firefighters however, don't get to do much but the small menial tasks that are important but no one likes doing. Drugs pay out the best (naturally) but do nothing to help advance society so to others money is a plain and simple motivator of what they want to do.

Anyhow back to the point, I see this addition taking away from what medics are tasked to do. I gave firefighters the ability to heal players as it leaves reviving (and recently, helping to identify killers with the DNA sampler tool) to medics. So if I'm going to add something such as CPR, I see no purpose in keeping the medic job around. However with no medics, to me it removes some of the RP experience, since they are an integral part of the community.

On to my solution of how this could work actually. I could see this as someone said taking stamina to help support someone that is dying away, however since the death timer is 5 minutes (too long *grumble grumble* for some) and people will die off in 4 (unable to be revived) the death timer would need be increased (this could be only if there are medics on duty). And I highly doubt many people really would want to be dead for longer, however, it helps promote a way to having to avoid worrying about NLR, and gives incentive to be careful with your character's life.

Quick note, some think firefighters/police would be able to perform first aid, while this is true, when you're reviving someone, you're doing far more than patching wounds or sewing stitches, you are saving their life by restarting their heart (hence the defibs).
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