Crashing when joining.


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Hey guys! I've recently started playing on this unique amazing perp server, but I have only one issue which is stopping me from playing sadly. When the server has more than 35 ish people and I try and connect I seem to first get Swiper The Fox has timed out, then when I join again I'll usually crash on workshop complete or sending client info. I've tried looking around on forums for a solution but I haven't been successful in finding one. Many thanks for reading! Xoxoxox
What comes in mind first is to completely re-install the game, it will take some time though.
I have never had this problem before nor heard about it, so if this doesn't work I'm out of ideas.
Have you tried lowering video settings like shadows, AA, etc... ?
Thanks for the replies both of you. I'm currently reinstalling Garry's Mod. I'll certainly get back to you if it's worked. Also MazZ I might try doing that if reinstalling fails! Thanks
Yeah, I had some strange crash when entering my storage in-game. It fixed when I reinstalled Gmod. I suggest taking backups of addons and maps though, since those don't do any harm.
Ah damn. Still doesn't seem to be working which is a bloody shame I was really eager to play this server as it's certainly one of a kind! Anyway, thanks for trying to help me maybe I'll find a solution soon.
Enter this command into your console : perp_precache_cars 0
Then rejoin, tell me if you were able to join.
Friend had the same problem, there another post with possible solutions, Check it out in this topic.