Crazy/Proud things you have done!

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Hello there, so i am trying to become more active on the forums and so i've decided to make a discussion thread type thing where you guys (the community member) can post stories about crazy sh*t things that you have done in your life. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, could be something you are proud of.
Lets try to make a scrapbook type thread of everyone's lifes stories so include pictures, videos and information to make it an enjoyable read where people can learn about other community members and connect to one another through similar hobbies and adventures.

I, for one, am going to start by listing something i am proud of.
Recently i was granted the Corporal position within the RAF Air Cadets after a very long application and interview process of which a written letter, assessed night and an interview were required amongst more. 26 of us applied to one position and i was given the privilege so that is why i feel proud of it and feel proud to wear the uniform.
(Any other AirCadets... Comment on this post if you are going Swyno this year then i'll get you in my flight!)
Saved a old man and woman who's small boat capsized and I was around 6 at the time I told my mother and we told the boat guards who went out and saved them, we met the old couple half way around the park and they said thank you so much to me, I also found an old man lying on the floor with blood coming out of his head since he cracked his head open, me being nine I had to get my mother and she called the ambulance unfortunately the man died a few days later.
Was driving 140 mph in my 2015 hyundai sonata and I took the little circle thing at about 80mph when the intended speed is 45mph and my wheels slid a bit and I almost lost control of the car but I managed to stay on the road.
140mph is 225 Km/h for you europeans.

I got head on the beach once and used a dollar bill to clean my cum and then used that same dollar to purchase Mc Donald's french fries.

I have a 2110 SAT score after being told by my teachers in elementary school that I really wouldn't do anything with my life because I was disobedient prick. I also ended up playing a huge role within the development of my old High School's activities from trips, voting, football/basketball games, videos, concessions, graduation and even sound quality in our high school's new 2 story gym

I'm also black with a pretty small penis.
Not been found by any agency / forgot to feed my kids and change the locks.
Not really crazy but I cook all the time and it's amazing.
I usually cook lots of spicy things and meat such as beef (medium rare. Any more or any less then you're a waste of resources on this earth).

I made a wedding cake once.
Never again.
Uh, I finally managed to sprint faster than the fastest kid in all of 8th grade (different for other systems)
I was with my family on a walk 2 new years eves ago and i was on my bike. We were heading to my Grandmas house so i went ahead. When i got there no one answerd so i went into her back garden to fine her on the floor. I put he in the recovery position and gave her this spray she has when she gets breathless. I then rang an ambulance and the doctor told me she has had a heart attack, they also said if i wasnt there that quick she would have died. I was in our local paper and it made me very proud.
I make the meanest ramen in town. I swear, you will never taste anything like my noodle.

My noodle is wet.
My noodle is long.
My noodle tastes better when you smoke it in a bong.

My noodle is amazing.
My noodle is slurpy.
My noodle makes all the girls dirty.

If you wanna taste.
Don't let it go to waste.
Else i will destroy you with tomato paste.

Gordon Ramsay, im coming for ya.
Guy Fieri, im coming for ya.
Calling Ezrider for a rap battle.


Saved a girl when she got hit by a huge ass truck. (The truck didn't notice and continued driving).
I once caught a falling spoon with my toes after i accidently knocked it down

Also there was this one time when i didnt even ask my dad to check the closet for monsters
Bad idea considering Shaun emerged, kidnapped me and locked me in his basement from which I escaped
Though I have been scarred for life, the momentary bravery and courage of that fateful day has left a deep impact on me.
Nevertheless always check your closet for Shauns
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Got banned for doing pranks in the PD which went wrong after someone with a misleading name took it wrongly. :trande: