Crime Scene Unit/Forensics Update

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Hello! Daniel Brock here with a neat little suggestion and update that can add a whole new aspect to the way investigations are handled within the Paralake Police Department.

Currently, we have a system where Medics and Sergeants+ can use the DNA sampler tool to understand how a person was murdered, or put unconscious.
This can be heavily improved on.

Instead, I offer a new system that is light in the load, requires no new tools, and simply is something that can add a more intense, roleplay aspect to the server.
First, let's talk about the Medics DNA gun and how it works, and how we can improve on it.
How to Use:
  1. Look at the body.
  2. Left-click.
  3. "He did it officer".
This is rather dull, boring, and to be honest, just makes sampling bodies a chore, not an aspect of roleplay or fun thing to do with the Medic Job.
Instead, how about it brings up a screen that shows the ID of our victim. Under that, the wound (i.e bullet wound, puncture wound, blunt force trauma) the location (left arm, left leg, skull, etc).

It could also exemplify and the amount of damage it had caused!
Example 1: Blunt force object left a depressed cranium on impact. The victim suffered blurry vision and slowed movement.
Example 2: Victim has multiple circular (unknown size, requires further examination) wounds on his chest, larger wounds parallel to his body on the back. The victim has suffered internal and external bleeding in his left lung.

Obviously, In example 1 the victim was hit in his noggin'(cranium) by a baseball bat (blunt force object) and was left blind and impaired (blurry vision, slow movement).

In example two we see circular wounds with an unknown wound (MourgeRP?!?) requiring measurement (to know the caliber of the weapon used) and the suffering that they caused made the victim bleed (confirming the use of a handgun, however, which one is still unknown).

Do you see how this works?

No more of the days of someone hopping on the Medic playing God, saying who did what crime.
The days of needing a Sergeant to I.D a body to understand who to set a warrant out for.
The Medic now gets to use these analyses to his advantage, relaying information to the Police Department, making them an important aspect of the work they do. Strengthening bonds, so they are now working parallel together, making Dispatch a slightly more difficult with multitasking what medic goes where, also adding a new dynamic, giving the Medic priorities aswell.

The process would be simple (relatively) still.
  1. Look at the body.
  2. Left-click.
  3. He was shot seven times, all small wounds, and then shot again in the head. That's all I know right now.
  4. Uses the ambulance to transport the body to the hospital.
  5. Places the suspect on the slab, analyzing again, recognizing the bullets are from a .45 caliber bullet.
  6. Write a report, using a template to fill in blanks of injuries, cause of death, and tools used in the murder, sending it to the CSU unit of PLPD.
  7. Use Body Remover to clear slab, sending him to the cremator.
  8. Job Done.

It gives the Medic a whole new purpose and things to do as well!
Now for the police side, this gets interesting.

The DNA Sampler tool works the same exact way for police.
  1. Look at the body.
  2. Left-click.
  3. "Slums apartment 3, PLPD, open up!"
Now, Detectives of the Crime Scene Analysis Unit get to use the DNA Sampler tool to understand how the blood splatter, footprints, fingerprints (found on guns! More on this later), hair and fibers all contribute to building a DNA analysis and understanding the scene of the crime, what happened, and why. They would use the tool to also see recent missing items (phone, cash, life alert?) and build an accurate understanding of there suspect instead of there killer.

However, unlike the Medic, now they would use the DNA Sampler on a wide variety of things!
  1. They would be able to use it on an object, to elaborate fingerprints of who held that object in a certain amount of time!
  2. They would be able to analyze the blood splatter, recognizing potentially who was at the scene of the crime (maybe that person blood profile is on record with the Hospital, if they healed there recently).
  3. Maybe the CSA Unit could use the DNA Sampler to see recent scratch marks to see signs of being tied.
  4. The list goes on and on, use your creativity.
Now, instead of immediately knowing and finding your killer, find your killer with progress, evidence, rapport, and good police/detective work.
Now, I know what some of you may say "That's way too much work! That will put an extra load on AyJay and the Devs!


The tools work the exact same. But instead, now its giving you different answers.
Instead of names, it gives injuries.
Telling you what gun was used...that's already there!
Instead of analyzing the person to know what gun, analyze the person to know the type or caliber of the gun.
Analyze the gun for prints!

It's not making a whole new system.
It's just detailing/redesigning our current one.

And think about this, now, when you book a suspect you can also scan their prints on the opposite side of the desk of the warden.
If those prints are not immediately found on the scene of the crime, I guess that works for the suspect's favor in the court case.

Tell me what you think about our current DNA system.
Tell me what you think about this one, and what you would like to see, or see changed.

EDIT: Changed Corporal to Sergeant, as Corporal does not have DNA Sampler. Silly me.
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It would be a nice to update the dna tool more immersion to the rp and maybe even make it take more time then just 30 sec to dna the victim like you actually need to spend time finding the criminal instead of instantly knowing who did it
what people forget is these systems are put in place because perp is a fast paced gamemode. The dna tool functions the way it does because time simply passes to quickly to have a whole inspection team looking for the killer. Additionally, NPCs play a role in spotting suspects which is why 99% of the time the DNA is revealed when using the tool​
Imagine bringing someone to the hospital to analyze them while 3 other people are dying and crying in OOC how medics are not dying their job. Also the time it takes to find the murderer would mean getting arrested for something you did a long time ago if you didn't die by that point or disconnect. I'm not saying it doesn't sound cool but I don't think it would work right now.
The DNA on the tool and the NPC spotting has nothing to do with one another. An NPC witness can still give an invalid Identification.

But if we began to slightly regard and use in-game time more often. What if someone committed a murder, and we would have that IRL day to be able to arrest them, or 7 days in-game time?
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Simple. Raise medic slots. If the Mayor limits it, that's his fault. Also, if they're crying in OOC saying they're dying at xyz, not like I can do anything because it wasn't in-character.

Look at my reply to @Rouge for the whole time concept. This is discussionable.
Lemme just stop you right there chief.

First of all, the current DNA tool is pretty good as is, abeit has some bugs that need to be fixed.

The days of needing a Corporal to I.D a body to understand who to set a warrant out for.

Its sergeants who get the DNA tool, not corporals. On top of this, what use would a DNA tool be in the hands of someone in the PD Who can't even set a warrant?

Nice idea but far too overcomplicated for something the server already has.
Thank you for telling me its Sergeants. Updated.

It's not complicated, it's the exact same method, you just need to use your brain. You just need to know what to analyze.
Sure, more things to analyze, but thats called a crime scene, and there's a reason theres care thats taken to make sure it's not contaminated. This is the Polices job to set it up once its implemented, not ours.
This thread saved me to make this suggestion,

I strongly agree of a coroner unit/crime scene unit instead of regular cops finding DNA in 1minute which takes months in real life that really triggered realism fanatic like me to post a thread.

There need to be a special unit like FBI / Crime scene added for roleplay deepness increased.

In real life they got detectives, kriminal officers who handles the casefiles.
We've been over this just short of a million times. It would be cool, but perp is way too high paced for this. I agree on the DNA tool needing a rework though.