curak's Crafting!

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So, first of all, this isn't an organisation it's just a place for people to place orders in an easy way! I've created a discord server and have tried this concept with people I know and I think the time has come to share this with everyone.

I always find people adverting to get weapons and so one, and IIRC most of those adverts don't get answered. That's why I made the discord server in the first place it's an easy way to manage any crafting orders! You'll be able to make crafting orders for everything we don't only craft weapons!

I any of you have something they want to have crafted just join the server and make a ticket stating what you need, pref. with the basket code from TinyCalc!

If this discord server becomes popular I will need more crafters though! If anyone wants to become a crafter (no guaranteed income or crafting orders for this moment, since I don't know how this will go.) feel free to apply using the template below!

Crafter Application:
Steam name:

In-Game Name:


Crafting Level:

Firearms Level:

Money in the bank(
important due to only getting paid after delivery!):
Steam name: Jack Peterson

In-Game Name:
Jack Slaughter


Crafting Level:

Firearms Level:

Money in the bank:
3.6 Mil

However, at this moment of time we won't need any crafters I'll give you crafter role once you've joined the discord server and you will be notified when needed!
Steam name: ✪Nacho Cheese Dorito#Dom4DCOD

In-Game Name: Alan Erwin

Age: 14

Crafting Level: 50

Firearms Level: 87

Money in the bank(
important due to only getting paid after delivery!): 1.2m

However, at this moment of time we won't need any crafters I'll give you crafter role once you've joined the discord server and you will be notified when needed!
Steam name: Seamus

In-Game Name:
Johnathon Bad


Crafting Level:

Firearms Level:

Money in the bank(
important due to only getting paid after delivery!): 2.5 mil

However, at this moment of time we won't need any crafters I'll give you crafter role once you've joined the discord server and you will be notified when needed!

However, at this moment of time we won't need any crafters I'll give you crafter role once you've joined the discord server and you will be notified when needed!
Steam name: Palodhi

In-Game Name: Ben Niko


Crafting Level:50

Firearms Level:105

Money in the bank(
important due to only getting paid after delivery!): 540k
Steam name: Kommandant A1L

In-Game Name:
Schneider Ficklestein


Crafting Level:
like 40

Firearms Level:

Money in the bank(
important due to only getting paid after delivery!): I am fucking broke, I got like $6000, I will have more money soon when I rim cop

However, at this moment of time we won't need any crafters I'll give you crafter role once you've joined the discord server and you will be notified when needed!

However, at this moment of time we won't need any crafters I'll give you crafter role once you've joined the discord server and you will be notified when needed!
curaks Crafting is looking for some max level crafters! If your firearms is above 100, 125 would be the best tho. Apply today!
Steam name: harleyfack

In-Game Name: harley mack

Age: 18

Crafting Level: 50

Firearms Level: 125

Money in the bank(
important due to only getting paid after delivery!): 100k +/-

Ps; Only available in evocity