Current Server Issues

Should we temporarily switch servers?

  • Keep the current server for two weeks, then switch to a new one

    Votes: 29 39.7%
  • Switch to a temporary server for two weeks, then switch to a new one

    Votes: 44 60.3%

  • Total voters
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As everyone knows, our current server provider has massive issues with DDoS attacks and network stability, which is leading to outages and weird bugs that never used to happen before.
We already ordered a new server at a different host, which will be in London so the ping should be very good.
However, the server will take ~2 weeks to be ready, so until then we have to find a way to bridge the period.
We have the two options
  1. Keep the current server for two weeks and deal with the problems
  2. Temporarily switch to a different server. It is a bit risky and the player count will suffer significantly. However, it should be a much better experience for everyone. There is also the risk that we encounter similar issues and have to switch again.

Let me know what you think. We are of course sorry that the playing experience has been this bad in the past few weeks, but sadly it was mostly out of our hands.
For shits and giggles why not run the Evocity server again for those two weeks like a few years ago?
I'd actually love that. I wasn't playing for several years around the time this was happening, and while I hear mixed things about how good it was, I reckon switching for a few weeks until the server is sorted would be a nice change of pace.
Option 1 just deal with the issue for two more weeks instead of the possibility of running into more bugs and issue with trying to doing a temp server IMO