A Perp 5M Server

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I'm not an expert with FiveM and the server-creation mechanics, but I feel like I know enough to comment.

I doubt the current developers would have any interest in branching over to FiveM currently, what with PERP development still underway (hehe yeah) and other, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be a community project, which is something I would actually prefer to see. Unless any of the devs have worked with FiveM at any point, it would probably be better to have people who are more experienced with the game itself to be developing the server, instead of people learning how to do it. The only con is that if it was a community project without involvement from the devs or owners, I highly doubt it would be branded under the PERPHeads name for quality concern, liability, etc.

The second thing that springs to mind is content. PERP is renowned for custom content, which is a lot of what makes it special. How could that charm be carried over to FiveM? The same guns from PERP could probably be added with slightly different models etc, but FiveM is far too different of a game to GMod for the real PERP feel to be there, in my opinion.

The above is not to say don't try it, I would actually love to see a community 5M server. I love it! I'm just curious as to how you'd plan on making it a different-from-the-rest kind of server. I wouldn't really mind if it felt like PERP or not but to properly brand it as such, it'd need to.
The map is the only part that doesn't matter! Of course the overall PERP feel wouldn't be possible, but there are other contributing factors that would help.
In my opinion PERP offers more creative freedom to the players than FiveM is capable of delivering, hence the reason why I opted to start developing a standalone version instead of creating a FiveM server.

Things such as building your base, or decorating your RP home are things that I don't see happening in FiveM, and if they are possible then it just feels completely different to what we would be used to.

I'm all for a FiveM server, but I highly doubt that it should be called PERP or that the same feeling could be captured.

Mind you this is not a matter of FiveM being bad, but just drastically differently designed systems to deliver a different experience.
"In my opinion PERP offers more creative freedom to the players than FiveM is capable of delivering" how
I'm not sure if you read the entire thing but the blips mod I mentioned shares your location, so I'm not arguing it.
I'm not sure how familiar you are with FiveM RP servers, but in comparison, I've never seen anything nearly as creative roleplay-wise on a FiveM server, as to what's presented on Perp alone, let alone the entirety of GMOD.
Five M is a great resource and I'm sure a server would be great... but It's not going to happen, Fredy is focused on wasting his time on Gmod right now and soon will be moving to S & box. Might as well close the thread.
I think you are vastly underestimating how much freedom PERP gives you in terms of how properties are laid out, do not require a loading screen or interior transition to enter and are freely decorable with the physgun.

Achieving the first two might be possible in FiveM, but the last one is going to kick you in the nuts if you try to replicate it.

Source: it kicked me in the nuts while trying to replicate it.
@Riekelt ok tell me a single person who decorates their apartment on PERP besides powergrowers and @rogue. Being able to decorate your apartment is not even part of RP on PERP since people just powergrow in them
@thehomelessdude it's not really as prominent now as it was a couple of years ago but quite a few players including myself still work on creative things albeit people not really taking part in them, a good example of a recent one would be this:

https://perpheads.com/threads/underground-boxing-event.45437/ which I know you participated in because you were in my corner when I was taking part. Something like this isn't really accessible for players unless imported onto the server.

Unless the server is actively in development like CMG, AMS or Grizzley World, I have confidence that you won't find anything on FiveM that compares to what players are capable of building on Perp.

Like I said in the post I'm not trying to argue or anything, and I'm not against the idea, it's just rare that it's done.
@Riekelt Great post and I agree, a lot of people highly underestimate the amount of freedom players have in Perp, whilst it is possible to transition between interiors and the open world in FiveM, it's very janky and in most cases simply having functionality like being able to lock and unlock your doors don't work. As I mentioned in my post, the freedom that GMOD let alone Perp gives you because of an amazing tool like the Phys gun is unmatched, in my opinion.
it is possible, we play on a server that has made drive by shooting only possible in first person
there's also another server where if you aim in with your gun it automatically puts you in first person
S&box (gmod 2) is gonna be great and gonna have so much more possibilities than FiveM, it's also gonna be much more work to recreate perp on FiveM than on S&box since most of the shit will just be easily importable and rewritten in C# on S&box. They're handing out closed beta keys later this month so maybe try and get one yes? @Fredy
Great suggestion, a FiveM server should be launched by either PH or it’s community. The arguments of third person are good fun, you wanted an RP server but the main concern is the PVP? The move to GTA would be to prioritise RP over PvP

also this sandbox 2 argument is a great read, how many years do we need to wait for it to release? And then we need to wait for Devs to port it over to SB2 which likely wouldn’t be done as the code is complete trash according to @Samuel

if ownership doesn’t want to launch a PH server I’d suggest you guys in the Loli’s discord do, I’d play!

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