Current thoughts on weaponskins?

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Hi peeps,

Not a non PERP related thread this time.

What are your current thoughts on weaponskins?

I know that @blobvis 2.0 made a thread a while back with a rule suggestion about this. Tyla made a good point that in essence they dont give significant advantage at that very time. But from my understanding they do. Peeps give them bright colors so they actually stand out more. In woods areas, in dark areas and from a distance they are way easier to spot I'd say. I don't know/remember the state of how the skins looked at that time but some clips I see nowadays. Makes me think they playing with waterblasters.

Just a screenshot I managed to make of a skin (found within 2 minutes when looking for it):

This to me seems to be kindoff glow in the dark. Even the reddot sight being a different color (which I understand cuz it was probs meant to go hand in hand with another wep skin)
I can only imagine how this would look in certain areas. But hey I am pro doing what you want to do with your weps. But where do you draw the line? Can we start coloring the textures of all walls 1 simple white color to give an advantage? And ofcourse I understand if you dislike the bland colors, that a nice skin is a good solution.

What do you guys think of the current state of weapon skins? Do you guys think they give an unfair advantage? Should they get whitelisted or something? Just like the images on the billboards etc. And made available to everyone?

Let me know your thoughts below!

Link to blobvis 2.0's post:
Bright colored skins are definently giving palyers an advantage. If people want skins give them buyable skins or even craftable skins that work off crafting level. But right now people can modify their games for easier shootouts. I cant even see some of the darker skinned player models in the dark let alone a gun in their hands, now imagine someone pasting that playermodel bright white. Same effect and that's an issue, so why is it ok with guns?
I totally get where your coming from and its a valid point about what your saying but no matter what in woods they are searching for the guns I hate the woods looking for guns seems this is a good way to help me! :laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:
Bright colored skins are definently giving palyers an advantage. If people want skins give them buyable skins or even craftable skins that work off crafting level. But right now people can modify their games for easier shootouts. I cant even see some of the darker skinned player models in the dark let alone a gun in their hands, now imagine someone pasting that playermodel bright white. Same effect and that's an issue, so why is it ok with guns?
Is that even allowed? Changing player models and other textures? Because why allow 1 part and not the other. It's clientside anyway. So nobody else has to withstand painful eyes. And for some people shooting is only a small part of PERP so they wouldnt care anyway.
I totally get where your coming from and its a valid point about what your saying but no matter what in woods they are searching for the guns I hate the woods looking for guns seems this is a good way to help me! :laughcry::laughcry::laughcry::laughcry:
Not exactly what I meant, Its just that in the woods during for example a gungame. I find it really hard to notice people. For example under the highway. Cuz its pitchblack. If peeps have these watersoaker skins. They defo stand out lol. Same for during nights and far away.
Staff had a completely different stance to weapon skins in 2020 (Late 2019?) when all we did was change the stock of the G3A3 to be wood or have a blue bandage and now there doesn't seem to be an issue with it for some reason.

It would be okay if the weapon skins only offer small modifications like stickers or me where I upscale the resolution for more detail. Some are over the top bright in a singular colour and some are even animated with some .vmt modification.
Staff had a completely different stance to weapon skins in 2020 (Late 2019?) when all we did was change the stock of the G3A3 to be wood or have a blue bandage and now there doesn't seem to be an issue with it for some reason.

It would be okay if the weapon skins only offer small modifications like stickers or me where I upscale the resolution for more detail. Some are over the top bright in a singular colour and some are even animated with some .vmt modification.
Changing a stock to wood, those are skins I can get behind. That helps with the 'immersion'. Ye immersion is a thing guys. Serious RP after all lol.
i dont remember if i made it clear back then but i had actually already thought why not just forbid client side skins and make skins server side so nobody gets an advantage. it's like making everyone's player model bright white because "i like how it looks." it's a very poor excuse for a tactical advantage. you skin your model for your character and you along with everyone else should see it that way instead of just you.
i dont remember if i made it clear back then but i had actually already thought why not just forbid client side skins and make skins server side so nobody gets an advantage. it's like making everyone's player model bright white because "i like how it looks." it's a very poor excuse for a tactical advantage. you skin your model for your character and you along with everyone else should see it that way instead of just you.
But theres the catch. This would force everyone to look at the imo ugly af skins. I don't use sights on nearly all my weapons because if doesnt feel realistic. Having serverside skins would legit be horrible imo.
But theres the catch. This would force everyone to look at the imo ugly af skins. I don't use sights on nearly all my weapons because if doesnt feel realistic. Having serverside skins would legit be horrible imo.
if i was a player i'd rather deal with ugly skins than an unfair tactical disadvantage covered by a weak excuse. we don't allow players to make player models easier to spot cause they say "i like how it looks", it should be the same when it's weapon models.
if i was a player i'd rather deal with ugly skins than an unfair tactical disadvantage covered by a weak excuse. we don't allow players to make player models easier to spot cause they say "i like how it looks", it should be the same when it's weapon models.
Personally I'd rather let them have the unfair advantage then lol. They still all die with 1 bullet. But unfair advantage nonetheless.
Hi peeps,

Not a non PERP related thread this time.

What are your current thoughts on weaponskins?

I know that @blobvis 2.0 made a thread a while back with a rule suggestion about this. Tyla made a good point that in essence they dont give significant advantage at that very time. But from my understanding they do. Peeps give them bright colors so they actually stand out more. In woods areas, in dark areas and from a distance they are way easier to spot I'd say. I don't know/remember the state of how the skins looked at that time but some clips I see nowadays. Makes me think they playing with waterblasters.

Just a screenshot I managed to make of a skin (found within 2 minutes when looking for it):
View attachment 16508

This to me seems to be kindoff glow in the dark. Even the reddot sight being a different color (which I understand cuz it was probs meant to go hand in hand with another wep skin)
I can only imagine how this would look in certain areas. But hey I am pro doing what you want to do with your weps. But where do you draw the line? Can we start coloring the textures of all walls 1 simple white color to give an advantage? And ofcourse I understand if you dislike the bland colors, that a nice skin is a good solution.

What do you guys think of the current state of weapon skins? Do you guys think they give an unfair advantage? Should they get whitelisted or something? Just like the images on the billboards etc. And made available to everyone?

Let me know your thoughts below!

Link to blobvis 2.0's post:
Its a weapon skin its not aimbot. Just because it looks different doesnt mean it gives an advantage. Its a bit darkrp but thats the playstyle nowadays so why not, I cannot see how it affects anyone negatively.
Its a weapon skin its not aimbot. Just because it looks different doesnt mean it gives an advantage. Its a bit darkrp but thats the playstyle nowadays so why not, I cannot see how it affects anyone negatively.
just because you subjectively believe the advantage is not major enough to be considered an advantage does not mean the advantage is non-existent. It's still an advantage which may not be as extreme as aim bot though still an unfair advantage.