Reaction score
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
I'd like to recommend a long time friend of mine in this community that stands out to me the most out of everyone else (don't you dare get triggered all the other 100 people that rim lick me because of my admin status) due to the long term dedication we both put into this friendship that will hopefully last long beyond this community's lifetime.

Alien Dave/John Daymon has been here for a pretty long time, since the Beta actually. Since then he has always dedicated his time towards the community, became an Enforcer were we became the OG Enforcer buddies. This was also the time when we created Meet Daymon, probably our most remarkable video of our little duo. Fast forward to today and we're still going strong.

Remember my little resignation meme from April (not shit shit again)? Out of everyone that wanted me to return, Daymon is the one that truly got me to return due to the sheer amount of love (+spam xd) and support he showed towards me.

Please, if you have a long term friend that you can always rely on in this community make the most out of it. Add each other on Snapchat, WhatsApp, anything. You won't regret it and won't believe how open people become when you just spend some time with them. You can make a difference in someones life if you just speak to them, I myself helped a lot of other people out with personal issues (Sanuhl, MonkeyKing, Philip..)
Just today we had a meet-up with some people from my old community and it was just lovely hearing everyone, the sheer amount of memories being recalled, etc. I recently got some old footage from 2013 if you're interested, if anyone ever heard of CasualBananas then hit me up yo.

That's it. Thanks for reading and one more message.


Love you bro, you're an amazing friend dunno why we clicked so well from day one but we did, love you to bits.

You have nothing bad in you and you're someone who will make it far outside of PERP and on PERP, I got so mad when u resigned lmao xd
Daymon sets a good example of being a staff member all the time. He is extremely fair and not biased. He acts professional at all times and is fair. He has brought up many ideas that helps the staff team to do their job and to make the server run more smoothly over all. I'd love to see daymon become a SA - He deserves it!
Daymon is my baby girl but honestly, no one will ever be able to replace Daymon in the staff team, he is an exemplar staff member.
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