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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: i r r e l e v a n t
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: D3V/Gary Belinsky
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Clearly as can be seen, there was a hostage in the car with us and it was clearly stated to D3V that we would kill the hostage inside the car if they continued to follow us. Despite that, he chose to apparently order his officers to ignore that and try to intercept us in some manner which clearly endangered the life of this poor hostage. D3V did not take into account at all that and this clearly resulted in an idiotic cop causing the death of the hostage because of D3V's orders. This can be seen here:

In my eyes the rules violated were 2.1 and 4.1, he played very unrealistically by willing to endanger the hostage's life because he gave commands to his officers even though they were clearly told that the hostage would be shot. Also from the law side this was clear misconduct and I seriously doubt this was any sort of "mistake" as the police were well aware of the hostage being inside the car with armed people, so for him to give such an order seems very stupid. This was all as a result of his actions and commands that he gave, which ultimately resulted in an unescessary finish to the situation which could've been avoided and the hostage would've lived.
Evidence (Demo Required):

I'm sure that plenty of other users can confirm what had occurred, or atleast give their statement as many people were a part of this situation.
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