Decrease Bobby Pin time

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Topic: Decrease Bobby Pin time

Short explanation (in notes):
- Bobby Pins take to long.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I think that the Bobby Pin time should be lowered from around 7 seconds to 3, almost 4.
Bobby Pins take to long to get into a house and get you killed before you even enter the building.
I was once bobby pinning a door and about 5 seconds in i was being shot at, in another second, i was dead. Bobby Pins let the owner know "Doors being picked", the owner then gets his weapon and does nothing but wallbang the building. Therefore, you are dead before you even enter the property, and can lose up to $15,000 which is never fun. Therefore, i think the bobby pin timing and such be much shorter to around 3 or 5 seconds.

Optional additions:
- Remove the wallbanging altogether?
- Make the Bobby Pin more silent?
- Make the Bobby Pin more quicker with skills or genes?
- Make the Bobby Pin have a better chance of getting through the door the first time w/ lockpicking skill and intelligence skill. The higher the better.
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To me the timing seems perfect, if not too short! When you're using a bobby pin on a door you're lock-picking it. I'm no expert but that can't take 4 or so seconds right? Maybe if you are very skilled in it then I guess. The only thing I'd agree with is making the sound of it a lot more quieter
It takes me about 5 mins to bobypin a lock and it works on very few locks so really nothing to complain about if you want something fast use a crowbar. Also you are taking a risk, you maybe losing 15k or whatever but think about the other person, Don't wana lose anything try waiting for the person to leave before robbing his house.

But if the pins would be changed it should take longer and be more quite.
Guessing you made this because I sprayed you through the door when you tried to raid me?


-Support overall I believe that the current time is too short and is unrealistic, without noise too? You're just trying to make it too easy to raid an apartment. I believe if anything it should be made longer and louder.
Well the current time is already fast enough. -support BUT I would like to see bobby pins being more silent as it would prevent many from being confused if they could hear someone bobby pinning a door IRL so they could prevent from meta gaming.
That's why I got my warning too... :booty:
Hey! I also make suggestions about stuff that made me die, welcome to the club.

Seriously though, this really isn't needed, its kinda realistic really, I don't think you could run up to a door and just put a bobby in it and say like open gmoddoor.exe to siri and go in.

The current bobby-pinning time now seems fine, in the time it takes you're more than likely to get wall banged through the door if you really want to avoid getting wallbanged while breaking in I suggest using a lockpick as they are quicker but a lot louder and don't force you to become stuck in the same position.
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