Definition of certain actions by rules:

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Hello friends,

Recently there has been confusion on what actions constitute as rules wise. This short guide will hopefully clarify certain actions and there meanings.


Mugging is the act of coercing players to empty part of, or all of their inventories to another players inventory under direct threat of physical harm / death (Gun / knifepoint). Police officers forcing players to surrender does not constitute as mugging as the items in question aren’t transferred to the officers inventory.

The act of holding a firearm towards another player who is completely or significantly exposed. Players may not under most circumstances break gunpoint unless they have the ability to fully conceal themselves to pull their own firearms.

Forced withdrawal:
Forcing a player to withdraw money from an ATM or bank transfer, or forcing them to remove an item from a vehicle trunk, chest or personal storage with intentions of keeping, destroying, or in general, taking the item.

Forcing a player from one location to another location, be it private or public, under direct threat of physical harm / death if they fail to comply. Players who force someone out of a public area to a private one may not mug that user.

Raiding / Raid:
A forced entry and assault on a property with the intentions of robbing the premises and its occupants, Regardless of how far you get. Players who are flanking for a raid are also considered rules wise to be raiders regardless of how close to or far from the property they get.

Bank robbery:
Players may only be considered bank raid participants once they sign onto the robbery through the texts and gain the warrants. Bank robbers may not be assisted by non bank robbers until they have successfully robbed the bank and received the location for the cash drop off.

Unnecessary vehicle damage:
Committing actions that are likely to cause expensive damage to your vehicle with no reasonable reason to do so, regardless of if the game mechanics would allow the vehicle to actually take real damage damage or not though those actions. An example of this would be people ramming vehicles unnecessarily.

Breaking the law as a government employee:
Users will be in violation of rule 4.1 if they commit crime that causes or can potentially cause disturbances to the peace and wellbeing of other citizens whilst they are a Road crew worker, Mayor, Police Officer, Dispatcher, SS agent, Paramedic or firefighter. Typically more “realistic” actions that are against the law, such as bribery, are to be dealt with in character. Couriers and taxi drivers do not come under 4.1 however must follow section 6, 8 and 11 laws at all times.

Prolonged detainment:
Keeping a user held against there will for an unnecessary amount of time when the real need to do so has expired. This also applies to officers.

Targeting new players:
There is a lot of confusion on this one. It is against the rules to target new players specifically to get easy money as opposed to raiding more experienced users. What is defined as a new player under 2.5 is listed below under “other”. Raiding a new player unknowingly, or taking into account how new they are and allowing them to still have a huge advantage over you in the raid (pistol raiding with yourself in a group which does not outnumber the defenders, and not using bombs on small properties) is fine within the rules as raiding when you are growing drugs is literally part of the game.


Restricted player movement:

Building a defence which limits the movement of potential raiders to the point where getting around the base would be difficult in combat, such as forcing them down small gaps allowing them to be easily shot.

A barricade or structure built with the intention of utilising as cover in the event of a raid on your property, typically designed to be shot over, around, or sometimes even through. Typically defences face entrances to the property.

Elaborate construction:
This is an umbrella term for numerous different types of defences, such as:
- Defences which provide almost 1 way visibility
- Head glitches (see below)
- Defences which force a player through certain pathways, such as “extended doorways”, mazes, Tunnels, etc.
- Building a defence which is designed to result in entrances being completely blocked off in the event of a bombing.
- Structures or loose items placed in locations with the intention of “tripping” or trapping raiding players.

Elevated defences:
An elevated defence is the use of barricades or other bulletproof / bullet resisting props on a surface that isn’t “ground level” with the rest of the floor on whichever floor of the property you are defending from. This includes areas such as the morons office window, On top of Parker cage, on top of the suburbs balconies, and even on beds found in subs houses and Regals.

Head glitch:
A head glitch is the result of client vs server side view models which allows you to shoot from that angle without your gun being visible, typically referring to when only your head is visible. Head glitch spots where the player, despite there head not being visible by the raiding party, can see the raiders perfectly, is also defined as a head glitch defence. Intentionally erecting a head glitch is a direct violation of multiple rules.

“Pixel peek defence”:
A defence structure which allows players behind the defence to have significantly more visibility than raiding players. An example of this is using bookshelves placed tightly together with a spotlight behind them to allow players behind the defence to have full visibility whilst the raiding party physically cannot see the user.


Passive roleplay:

Typically passive roleplay is when (a) player(s) create a roleplay scenario for little to no profit which directly avoids violence or disruption of other people’s peaceful activities. Passive roleplay scenarios where small to no amounts of cash are likely to be received should be left alone by criminals. Passive roleplay events where money is offered as a prize should also be left alone by criminals.

New player:
A player who has recently joined the server for the first time. New players who are still learning the game mode, the map, etc. Should either be helped out, or at least left alone until they have made a decision on which direction to take when it comes to getting started. New players who break rules should be reported on sight however taking the time to ensure you attempt to correct their actions yourself doesn't hurt and helps a ton. New players can be identified with the “new player” tag above their heads.

This will be updated as time goes on, so far this is just a draft. Got any additions or suggestions? PM me or list them below.

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