Definition of "Deadly Weapon"

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39.007238, 126.281624
Is this a new law or a change to a current law: New one

What law do you wish to change/add: First Section, addition to the terminology
Deadly Weapon - Any object, that is able to harm or murder any human seriously if being used incorrectly or recklessly is considered as a deadly weapon. This does also include any offensive weapon, defined under 7.3

Why should this change/addition be made: I believe that there should be a clear what a deadly weapon is as I see that deadly weapon is also defined as a vehicle as you can possibly kill someone with that.

What is the aim of this change/addition: To declare what a deadly weapon is (see 9.2)
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I think the only confusion with this is the baseball bat and a car.

In the US your vehicle is considered a deadly weapon and it is very often used to harm and kill (accident or not). A car (Or a mode of transportation) should be added to this definition, but only if there is sufficient evidence that is was used as a way to subdue harm or to kill anybody.

With the baseball bat, it is very different. People can carry bats and say they are using it to play baseball with their friends, but oftentimes this is in the bazaar or Bank, no place to play a reckless sport. A baseball bat should be considered and apply to all Section 7 laws of the Paralake Penal Code IF they are in a location or setting not fit for such physical activity and the punishment of carrying such a potential weapon be slightly lowered.
A definition is great, but this one is a bit too vague, it could be argued most things aren't designed to harm or murder (machetes, knives, baseball bats.)

I'm no lawyer but:

Deadly weapon - A deadly weapon is an object that, through misuse, could cause reckless injury on a person to the point of death.
Deadly weapon is defined as anything that is used to cause a deadly effect for EG in perp - you can get killed by a fire extinguisher so for that it would no longer fall under a tool but under an "deadly weapon" same with your "fists" but the logic of it being is common sensual as if we classified everything such as fists as a deadly weapon - sweaters will have a field day.

But I believe the definition SHOULD be;

Any item and/or property such as a vehicle that is used to commit a crime that results in a death of a person can be considered as a deadly weapon as of intent to cause harm.
The working group of the Paralake City Council will work out a draft, however for the change of 9.2 Physical Assault with a Deadly Weapon. The Paralake City Council will discuss the draft at the next Council meeting.