DemWambo - Resolved

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Blobvis 2.0/ Johnathan Davidson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: DemWambo Nick Beater
His/Her SteamID: unkown

Why Should This Player Be Punished: breaking 4.14 in slums 3.

So me and my friend (Efua Makhal) were basing in 3 when cops come to our door and keep knocking, we got a warrant according to the guy at the door (no name) and so we shot through the door, swat breached the door and we killed him along with several officers. 1 was left and i went out to shoot him. when i tried to shoot him i got shot and my famas dropped, so my friend went out and killed the officer (immideathly when i died). Than my friend said were is my famas and i got to know he picked it up before the place being secured so breaking 4.14.

I would like to get my famas (full) refunded due to it could have been picked up by my friend again causing it to not get lost.

Evidence (Demo Required): upload in a bit, nothing really visible on their due to i died.
Tick: -
If the demo does not show it there is no sufficient evidence to show your famas being picked up, If you provide me with the steam ID of the last person to hold the gun before the police confiscated it I can see if it was confiscated.
@Synatec can provide THE demo showing he survived

And gun was gone And i was THE last one Will check my id in a sec


But mind, i used after that another famas
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No luck with the logs so I will need that demo posting here or a new thread creating before I take any action. Failure to provide a demo before the end of the week will result in this thread being locked.
*cough* Well, Efua was prank-calling and I tried to ticket her but she was resisting. Trying to get in over and over till efua decided to push me down. Then someone of you shot out of the window for no reason and so i called swat and back up till this happened.

Failure to submit evidence.
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