[Discussion] Make more use to firefighters

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Firefighter is a great rp opportunity and has great gameplay potential however very little is currently realized.

I think that job should have more aspects to it.

One, which I've seen for a while now is firefighter doubling as rescue, which is done in real life.

The idea i have is that when a firefighter is on, if there's a car crash which would usually result in occupants being unconscious, instead of throwing them out of the car, they would stay in the car and have to be freed from the car by a firefighter with hydraulic scissors (aka jaws of life). They would then need to be revived by a paramedic.

What ideas do you have on this?
With the general attitude of the players I doubt it'd be liked or even enjoyed, I believe that if the person wished to participate they should do a /me is unconcious or some form of /me which notifies the players around them they wish to participate in such a role-play event and the police or whoever is involved would know of this then would request the Fire Department via 911. The Fire Department should be given some form of Spreaders to open vehicle doors if the vehicle state is disabled - using this would then eject the person from the car, ragdolling them possibly. This item would be located in the Trunk of the Fire Engine, not the first responder.

Adding a trunk would be nice, containing the actual fire hose, fire extinguisher, spreaders, first aid kit, bandages, road equipment. It should have the largest trunk of any vehicle since it's meant to be like that.

@Draxen it has been denied, my views on how it should be are much different and so is the community's. I believe the person should choose whether to be involved in it, since forcing them will just make everything much worse and can result in people becoming very frustrated.

Adding to this after hearing what Jimmy said, I do believe it should work if and only if there is a firefighter in service as you stated. Since it wouldn't matter whether they were unconcious inside or outside the vehicle. It'd add to the experience and be much more exciting. I do believe the server needs a stretcher so they can be transported. This'd not only add to the experience but the reasoning behind it is quite obvious, a person can suffer extreme and severe damage if they are dragged by hand hence why I try to role-play putting a Cervical Collar on the person and putting them on a backboard, then transporting them. For this to be implemented I feel a stretcher is vital to be added to the EMS
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With the general attitude of the players I doubt it'd be liked or even enjoyed, I believe that if the person wished to participate they should do a /me.....

Makes no difference to the victim anyway, either they're unconscious outside the car somehow or unconscious trapped in the car. Either way their experience is the same, a black and red screen. This just adds depth to FF/EMS rp, I see no downside to this.
random fires around the map!!!
It would be nice to have random fires for fire fighters and I have some ideas:
  • The machinery around glass co and parker can catch on fire randomly.
  • Random fires in the forest at day time due to the sun.
  • Gas stations explode and catch on fire when crashing into it with a vehicle or anything else.
Can't come up with any more