Police Suggestion Dispatch bodycam

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Brief description of idea:

Give dispatchers the ability to access “Police bodycams” so they can watch what an officer is doing from a first person perspective.

This would allow dispatchers to:
- Watch an incident at the heart of it to give info to the rest of the PD so TFU can focus on combat and communicating with the rest of the entry team. Holding B and shooting is irritating as shit sometimes.
- Would allow dispatch to ID people easier without making them stand at CCTV cameras.

The cameras will work as such:
- They’re selected from a “body cam” in the CCTV menu.
- The dispatcher then see’s what the officer see’s.
- If the officer dies or falls unconscious, their camera becomes “offline”.

What benefits would this idea have for the department:

What potential negatives could this have for the department:
- Development time
- Suicide tactics (against 3.6 anyways)

Other additions:
Up for debate:
- Audio:
Will the officer see and hear all sounds or just what CCTV cams currently hear? Or none at all?

Other uses:
- Could be used for TFU recruitment too!!!!!!!
wouldnt this massivley decrease preformance ingame ???
wouldnt this massivley decrease preformance ingame ???
I don’t see how so. How would this cause performance issues? If you can walk though bazaar without lagging, you can watch an officer walk through bazaar without lagging too?
wouldnt this massivley decrease preformance ingame ???
the only person's performance that would drop is the dispatcher's, if at all. i don't see how a dispatcher looking through someone else's view would brick the gamemode.
wouldnt this massivley decrease preformance ingame ???
The way Gmod works, the only performance decrease would be with the dispatcher, and only when he is actually using it. Think of it as the camera you can spawn in using your tool gun, only it's locked to the movement of the officer.
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