Police Suggestion Dispatch pay

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Suggestion Title: Dispatch pay
Suggestion Description: Bring back the old dispatcher pay in the form of 420 dollars a minute as the minimum, with the mayor able to set that higher, but no lower.

Currently so few people play dispatch despite the major role it plays and the huge advantage it can grant officers. The job is mostly only used by Probationary Dispatchers who lose interest in the job very quickly. Looking through logs earlier of dispatchers joining the job shows that it is the least touched job, couriers and taxi drivers are more common than dispatchers.

We are in the predicament where the highest ranking officer on duty (except in most cases SMT members, even then I’m still receiving the calls instead of them for some reason?) are having to answer 911 calls. Marking myself busy to avoid calls when in a situation doesn’t always work either as the calls still go to me. I still answer the calls unless I’m directly in combat regardless as me not answering the 911s is negligent performance of duties. No one makes text based 911 calls anymore because of this system being added.

Why should this be added?:
- More incentive to play dispatch by making it the highest paying accessible job.
- Works better as a whole.
- Dispatching myself is very difficult when on duty as an in uniform officer.

What negatives could this have?:
- Dispatch money farm? (Is this even a con?)
- City funds draining if dispatch is full and mayor doesn’t want to add any real tax policies (skill issue)

This was discussed internally as well and there were mixed thoughts, though I'm honestly in favour of increasing the pay multiplier for all dispatchers across the board. Currently, you get paid less as a ranked Dispatcher per hour than an Officer, which is strange considering the wildly different responsibilities and workload, but I'm not sure that just increasing the pay will be directly proportional to the hours of dispatchers on.
I personally agree,

Dispatchers are arguably the toughest job within the server. They are also underrated, and dispatch provides SO MUCH aid to cops, and this will give people more incentives to play dispatch.
+1 The pay needs to be absolutely fixed.

Also, leaving this here:

+1 dispatchers should be payed based off the rank they hold in the PD. Which is a lot more than they are now.
This have been discussed for months but it's been denied several times sadly.
This may be hard but follow along with me here, Dispatcher is the glue that holds the PD together.

When the population is over 100 the radio becomes an incomprehensible mess, Too many people talking at one time to manage incidents, and there is not enough incentive for there to be dispatchers on because of the low pay. If we raise the pay of dispatch we increase the amount of dispatchers that are active, making it an entirely more enjoyable place for the police department. There is no reason dispatchers should be paid so little, As a Sergeant I can say their job is harder than mine ,but they get paid considerably less.
When I first tried dispatch, I was seriously bummed out at the fact I get payed like 200 dollars for literally controlling the PD. It's kind of a major turn off when I can just hop on and be a normal cop and get payed 500. I believe it should be increased some, it would encourage more dispatchers to play.
I would like to add that the fact that dispatchers are getting payed almost the same as roadcrew just simply makes no sense.
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