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Topic: Doctor

Short explanation (in notes):
- Doctor which will work with paramedics
- Doctor should have a BMW M5 like lt with a doctor skin.
- Doctor should be its own rank which player need to apply for on the website.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
As many of you know the Police has it owned ranks within it, so i thought why not expand this and add it to medics to create a better rp feel for medic players, their car would be faster they would be the ones who request warrants and search warrants, normal medics wouldn't be able to request it. Maybe a drug added to doctors that could bring somebody back to life after being dead for like 60 seconds. Doctors would be in control of the medic team so he would dispatch large ambulance Doctors would be needed at every raid, before the raid take place, to allow for any emergencies. Doctors would be in charge of demoting medics instead of the Lt.

Optional additions:
- Only one Doctor at a time.
- Doctor rank added within the website.
- Somebody is voted from the public to accepted and deny medic apps, can be change if they dont do a good job.
If doctors are needed in situations where the person can't be saved by a ems they are transported in a ambulance not a special vehicle. Also doctors are needed to stay at hospitals moving the equipment needed is very unlikely and some arent transportable. Also tell me what state in America where doctors can request a search warrant?
-Support The reason people want to be supervisor for the PLPD is because it can actually be somewhat fun, the medic job already is almost dead, please don't add more ranks that are not going to be used anyways.
Aso medics only revive and heal doctors cant do more in game without proper roleplay basically doctors are useless since medics do everything. And medics don't even rp good enough that they need a doctor rank.
I'm going to go ahead and +support this. I believe if there was a few more things added as well to your suggestion to the new medic "doctor" Role. It could bring back the fun with medics. In many rp situations medics were never around to give support or heal because the role is kind of boring that and the fact that the huge medic vans cant actually hold civilians, so the hospital is never used. I would happily role play a doctor in the hospital treating a bullet wound or an uncontentious/dead suspect. I also believe that the medics should not have DNA scanners. only the doctor. Instead medics would have defibrillators , health kits and the cars to take people to the hospital. Because I think it's a little silly that getting a cop/civ up after a gunshot only for them to run off to fight/do stuff. Mostly because defibrillation is only to be used for cardiac arrest and any other heart related problems. Heart stopping is not defib thing.

So instead of medics staying on scene in a huge gunfight, they would rush them off to the hospital and get to the doctor and assist the doctor? with an officer there ready for arrest or gather evidence.
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Maybe we should introduce a charity St John ambulance job too.

Coming with a Vauxhall Vectra.
+/- neutral

Good idea, but there is a police supervisor because, there is something to supervise. A doctor would be like a medic. There is nothing to supervise as medic. No warrants, no responds (that should do the sergeant/LT). Better would be a doctor who medicate players who got like an crippled leg. I think it should be like this (This story is to 90 % real like the real story that really happened). Someone fell off an building. I called the paramedics. Healing him done. He is healthy again. I think it should be like that: Paramedics arrive with Ambulance, pretreatmens for the hospital gets done, he steps in the back of the ambulance, they drive him to the hospital. Then a doctor arrives, doctor is medicating him, guy who is crippled need to use a wheel chair or crutches, sometime he goes back to hospital... there should be something like schooling to the doctor. Which medicine do i use for that or that?
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