Drivers License

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Drivers License / Driving Instructor

Short explanation:
-Add the job "Driving Instructor"

Detailed description:
I do not know if there is anyone else who has talked about driver's license, but I think it would be a good idea that you have to do some sort of test before you can drive a car. I've been run over more times then I can count, but 9/10 it have been a police or an ambulance that has no contol at all, so I thought maybe its something we can do to prevent accidents in the traffic by something like that? And perhaps make a new job; driving instructor?

Optional additions:

Just something I've been thinking about, dont know if its possible but oh well. Have a good one :)
Take it to the next level.

Say you automatically get a drivers license, same with the citizen ID (If that gets implemented), and you then break severe traffic laws. The police could then confiscate your license somehow for X amount of minutes (10-15-20 minutes and so on). But IF you then decide to drive your car, police officers, or maybe just speed enforcers, who are in their patrol cruisers should get a heads up warning that a number plate (not an actual one) mismatch has occurred in the nearby vicinity if they are close to the car.. or just put red text above the car whom the driver has had their license revoked.

My 0.50,- DKK
Honestly, drivers license reminds me of BizRP.
One of those kinda crappy PERP servers. You'd have to take a driving lesson, and then you'd receive a drivers license. Until then, you could not spawn any vehicle. It was a nice feature, but annoying when there's no instructors.

Anyway, I am going neutral on this. It seems like a nice addition, and makes it more realistic, although it won't change much. People will break traffic laws as they used to, and I doubt they'll drive any better.
People drive don't drive recklessly because they don't know how, they drive recklessly because nobody gives an expletive about driving properly on a game.
If you get run over it usually could have been avoided by actually checking before crossing, or not standing on the road like a gorm.

Desite there being there being a drivers license I still don't think people will follow the traffic laws. Also you can already RP a drivers; for example, handing a speed enforcer your license using '/me hands the speed enforcer his drivers license'

Good thought However I don't think it would change anything significant...

The idea is great, it could easily filter those car owners who are just regular minges, however, even with this system, alot of players would just willingly break rule 3.15 and drive into your car at a full speed for no reason at all...
Otherwise introducing such a system can easily harm the playerbase interests. So that's a -support from me, admins should care about traffic rules more.
The idea is great, it could easily filter those car owners who are just regular minges, however, even with this system, alot of players would just willingly break rule 3.15 and drive into your car at a full speed for no reason at all...
Otherwise introducing such a system can easily harm the playerbase interests. So that's a -support from me, admins should care about traffic rules more.

(On phone)
Admins do care about traffic rules, however they don't care too much that it will ruin the role play. Rule 3.22 (I think) and possibly rule 3.15 relates to the traffic rules, and I think that what is within that rule is fair enough
+support, this is a very good idea as it may take out some of the idiots that drive and maybe get players to follow the traffic laws a bit better also if this gets accepted along with my idea of a police data base then officers may even be able to suspend someones driver's licences for doing many traffic violations.
The idea of driver license is good but i can't see how the Job would help. A Driver license would be a great idea.
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